We'll start friday night. I usually go and play games with the Lads. That night I didn't plan on drinking, I'd been doing it a fair bit lately (nothing excessive, maybe a glass of rum and lemonade a night) so I thought I'd best give it a rest for a bit. It doesn't help that I'm sick still too, with a cough that was worse than when I had the friggin Cold.
But that plan went out the window when Gregg brought about an 18 year old Dalmore, direct from Scotland. And because I've been getting into drinking with a bit of Kulcha after the last few weeks of nice Scotch's, I wasn't going to miss out on the chance to try some more.
The night seemed to drag a bit though, and I think it was because I was tired. Some late nights this week were catching up with me, so I was drifting off slowly as the night was coming to a close at something close to midnight.
Saturday morning I set my alarm for 6:30 so I could get in early to get to Blind Pig down at Mount Gravatt. This is the far side of town to me at Bracken Ridge, y'see. And using the internet planner, I found that I could take two busses and I'm there.
However, I don't know any landmarks around there. I'd been to the new Blind Pig venue once before and the only thing I could remember was that it was near a School on Cavendish Road.. So when I saw a school, I got off the bus and looked around.
No hall. Fair enough. I might have the wrong place. I found a nearby street and used the maps program on my phone.
Well that's about a 4-5km walk right there. And when I thought of taking a bus, the bastard drove straight past as I thought it, didn't it.
So I trudged along, and all the while I thought to myself “SHIT! I hope I'm there in time for the Sausages!” Bec, the Club Owner of the Blind Pig, cooks up some sausages and onion, pulls up some loaves of bread and a bucket of cheese, and for 2 bucks a pop we get a good feed. And I don't know why, and I won't ask why, but they're fkn good.
By the time I got there, I was invigorated. Exhausted, but Invigorated. I'd walked for about a half hour going up and down hills with a bag that was surprisingly heavy, but I got there. And with plenty of time for sausages inna bun.
Now going to somewhere called the Blind Pig was not just for playing games. I also wanted to pick up a couple of books. Particularly the Dystopian Wars rulebook so that I have one rather than taking the word of fellow players, and the MERCS Mini's Rulebook so that I could have an indepth look into the game.
I did plan on playing a game of Dystopian Wars, but John was in battle with another guy (who I didn't catch the name of) and playing a rather epic game involving both the land and navy starter boxes. The table looked pretty awesome and they were having great fun. I'll have to give that a go next time I head there.
Next model investment though I think should be towards a Mercs squad, though. I found out Dr D has invested in it, so I'll have a guaranteed opponent when I want to play so long as I give him a heads up. Bec has made some amazing tables, so I imagine we'll be able to grab one that's cluttered with stuff and give it a go. Worst case scenario, we have some cool models for a Sci fi game.
I did get a laugh out of Roy though. His daughter is learning French and she was showing a translation sheet to one of the other youngins there. I had a look and started saying all the words that were in french.
"Lemme guess, you're french."That night, I passed out early at about 7 or 8pm. Went to bed and just knocked out, and next morning I got myself ready to see Transformers 3 with Scotty. Now I have another spoiler filled blogpost ready for Transformers 3 to come so I won't ramble on about it here. But overall, my opinion of the flick is that it was actually rather fun. Better than number 2, but not quite better than number one.
"No no, I learnt all my french from Peter Sellers."
Scott and I finished up with a bit of window shopping before we went home and tested “Portal 2 Cooperative Play”.
I discovered that Scott kinda slows down here. He's not a quick thinker. While I was looking at the Puzzle and going “BAM! Here's how to solve it” he was sitting about thinking about how it works. It surprised me because while he does a similar thing with his Wargames, these puzzles are a lot simpler to figure out. Or so I believe when it comes down to looking at it for a few moments and figuring it out in that time.
But we had fun, I used Scott as a Slingshot and killed him a few times. With each murd-DEATH! Death I mean to say... my maniacal laughter got louder. Oh it was very entertaining. And I will do it more and more. Because he's expendable. Mwahahaha.
Oh and on top of that, I finally got the Unbound rules for Warmachine. So I'm thinking one Blind Pig I'll organise a 150point game against someone. Organisation is key to this one, because gotta get the rules set down and understood between us before it starts.
I'm also thinking of getting a set of Coins to use as “Activation Counters”. I have trouble remembering most things, so trying to track what I've activated out of a large force (And I mean a large force) means I'm liable to activate something twice. So must have a look about for two faced coins to use as activation counters. Something about the size of a 5c piece would do, I think. Heck, I could just use 5c pieces. I've got enough of em.
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