Paint my Legs Eleven army. I had it painted up mixed between the standard Red scheme and a Greyscale Scheme, which was Nice and all, but now I want to change it all to the White Colour Scheme with some Red Symbols. I've already coloured my Classic Destroyer and Juggernaut in that scheme and it looks pretty cool. The colours stand out and any markings I put on there come out really well. The only thing I'm really missing is a Bombardiers Card, the second Behemoth Bombard Cannon (Keep forgetting to order it), the 2010 Sculpt Butcher of Khardov so that I can see about doing the Man-O-War-Butcher conversion, and a Box of Battle Mechaniks + Officer.
Also paint my FSA. I have a bunch of stuff and I haven't painted them yet. Mind you, I haven't got an idea of what colour I want to paint them. Though I did pick up some odd blue/green colour somewhere along the line, thinking "Yeah, I'll paint it that colour". I'm sure I have that stocked away with my other paints.
Finish my Video Games. I've picked up a few video games that I just haven't finished, mostly my PSOne Classic games. Metal Gear Solid; Final Fantasy 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9; I've borrowed FF13 from Scott so I'll finish that one off too; I could play Deathspank, but I don't particularly like the game; Penny Arcades "On the Rainslick Precipice of Darkness" Ep 1 and 2 are still sitting there and haven't been played in a while. Oh and Crysis 1. And FF Tactics and Tactics Ogre. Patapon as well.
I was considering playing World of Warcraft, because I'm feeling a bit wistful about it. One of my friends has gotten back into it because she finished Uni and now she has plenty of time, and is just poor enough to have her account active. She's also having trouble getting through it by herself.
Oh and mum picked me up Skylanders as well, after I explicitly told her not to get me anything for Xmas. But no, i made it clear that i was interested in the game, so she picked it up. Ugh, generous mothers.
I've also been looking into Mordheim, because a few friends have mentioned it and I've been like "yeah, that sounds pretty cool." So I've gone ahead and looked into the rules for that, particularly Orc Warbands. And their story is they're the official fan club of my Blood Bowl team, and they fight for Ticket Money, riding around in their fainting Squiggoth.
That's another thing, I should finish painting my Blood Bowl team. They haven't done much lately, so they're definitely up for some fresh paint to cover those bits I just haven't done.
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