23 November 2010

My First Space Marine

So I was going to have a little photo joke about "my Firsts", you know those things little kids have for when they go potty training or hold their own bottle. No, couldn't find it so I've decided to dive right into it.

Well playing Deathwatch has given me the right... No, the DUTY... to paint a space marine character for myself. Blood Angel tactical marine. Fair enough. Now my friends are artistic, so the model doesn't go in the bare essentials. No, he has pockets, a holster with pistol, a mark of honour, backpack and his pair of bolters.

why two bolters? Cos I said so.

On top of that, he doesn't get the standard base that WH40k offer to put your models on. He gets a resin designer base, one tailored to 40k.

And after painting it up with what paints I have, i came up with this.

The base, a grate filled to the brim with members of Team Jacob on Twitpic

I think it was a pretty good job, considering I only have a few paints (With way too many greys than I'd like to discuss) and not a very good eye for taste.

Now as for the model itself... well being a blood angel I have to paint him red. I have had way too much experience with Red. So i think I did a good job with it. Although I haven't done his belt. I just have no idea what colour to paint it.

Jim Moriarty, short on sparkles but high on bolters. on Twitpic

I reckon he'll go down well with the crowd.

Containment Breach

Sometimes you think of something a little ridiculous. Something that you would never do because A: You can't afford it; B: it's just not a viable list; or C: it's not worth it in the long run.

But that doesn't mean it's not a cool list. And this is such a list.

Points: 100
Model Count: 130
Tier: 2
Chieftain Madrak Ironhide
^ Troll Axer
^ Troll Bouncer
^ Troll Impaler
Kriel Stone Bearers (Max)
Kriel Warriors (max)
^ Caber Thrower (3)
^ Standard Bearer and Piper (Free)
Kriel Warriors (max)
^ Caber Thrower (3)
^ Standard Bearer and Piper
Kriel Warriors (max)
^ Caber Thrower (3)
^ Standard Bearer and Piper
Kriel Warriors (max)
^ Caber Thrower (3)
^ Standard Bearer and Piper
Kriel Warriors (max)
^ Caber Thrower (3)
^ Standard Bearer and Piper
Kriel Warriors (max)
^ Caber Thrower (3)
^ Standard Bearer and Piper
Kriel Warriors (max)
^ Caber Thrower (3)
^ Standard Bearer and Piper
Kriel Warriors (max)
^ Caber Thrower (3)
^ Standard Bearer and Piper

It's so ridiculous that it could work out to be awesome.

08 November 2010

So what next?

Well after thinking about writing articles every week or so, like I originally planned with this blog, I have given up on that and have thought to keep going with sporatic updates of whatever model I have worked on recently. Frankly, the Warmachine posts I've made so far are so bloody long winded and I'm starting to lose traction with them.

Recently with a friend we've started playing a Deathwatch Campaign, a WH40k RPG, and to go with the flow I'm going to be painting up a character. Our friend Humphrey is making up a model for me of a Tactical Marine with 2 Bolters in hand. Because we're not playing very seriously we all have funny accents, and because the easiest description of a Blood Angel is a Vampire, I've gone with Count Von Count (From Sesame Street, Ah Ah Ahhh).

I'll laugh if Humph moulds Count von Counts head onto the model.

I also want to paint up some other models to match up with him, like Vehicles, and a Dreadnaught, a War bike... Stuff like that, ya know?

Otherwise, other 40k model projects pretty much come down to Bupkiss as I'm going to be painting the Deathwatch Model and the Squiggoth. Ideas however expand on the Squiggoth Howdah by adding a platform to add a Helipad for a Deffkopta. Or a Chinork. Heck, take off the two balconies on the side, extend them down and have a pair of side trays to hold War bikes or Deff koptas.

I best stop this before I start spending money I don't have. On an upside, if I want an Ork Warboss on a Warbike, I can just go out and get a Halo Brute Chopper and convert that up. Apparently they're not too bad to scale. Though it would need a bigger rear engine. And it's cheap and easy to get!

Anyway. I should start painting up my other figures, like my Winterguard. I've wanted to paint them for ages, and I mean paint them properly. I don't have a properly painted unit of Winterguard, they're all in a shambles really. And they require a Kommander, so I should paint up Sorscha as well. I have a plastic battlebox model so even more reason.

Easier still are the two Destroyers I want to paint up. I discovered the other week a photo of a guy who painted a greyscale Wroughthammer Rockram. I want to use that as a reference to paint up a Destroyer in the same style (though certainly nowhere near as good).

There's also the Diorama I want to do based on Gudrun the Wanderer. I don't have any of the bits or pieces of terrain, but the idea basically Gudrun goes out to challenge what/whoever to kill him. Because... well that's his fluff. There's a good series of challenges too.

The first of which should be Gudrun scaring a little girl (The little girl from the Nightmare Model). That one would be a focus on Gudrun himself, really. I want to paint him up much like the Andrea Uderzo illustration in his first appearance (I think it was Evolution?). And then any further dioramas will use the same model (I'll magnetise his feet) but have different 'challenges'.

There's some good Warjack and Warbeast ones that I want to chuck him up against, like scrapping several Warjacks in an Arena, or facing up against 3 Titans in the middle of a desert (This one would include my Gladiator Extreme, a normal Gladiator and a Bronzeback – I reckon that'd be an epic diorama).

We'll see how I go getting that off the ground.

01 November 2010

One way ticket

So the concept of going to Mars is an interesting one. You fly to Mars and you try and colonise it. Never mind the alien culture that hides underground surviving off the lush resources of water and fungus that grow in their caverns that are heated by air conditioners designed to cover square Kilometres of tunnels with heat.

It's okay though. It'll be over hyped within their culture when an alien space ship lands on the surface, spotted by Astrologists and conspiracy theorists who are renting a heated rock on the surface.

Then the Humans will do one of two things: They'll play it smart and make peaceful negotiations with Societies most Prestigious (Those closest to the heating device) or they'll use whatever weapons they have to shoot the Martians down, the same Martians who made Fungal Brownies and covered them in Glad wrap.

The Aliens will be confused and will simply try and shoot them down while the humans try and figure out a way to save humanity by destroying the heating core and having the Martians suffer in the cold... Or move out to a different region, since that's the backup plan for their species.

One thing is for certain: there is no stopping them; the ants will soon be here. And I for one welcome our new insect overlords. I’d like to remind them that as a trusted TV personality, I can be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underground sugar caves
