27 September 2010

Australian Warmachine Nationals Weekend - Day 2

Huh? W hat's the time? I don't have my phone here. Look for the laptop. Nope, it's on the floor. With my phone. Cool. What's the time? 6:24. Right. Isn't that late? No no, surely we should be up at 6:30. Fuck it, I'll got back to sleep.
*ding ding ding ding*

Kelvins phone tinkled in the background from across the hall and made me groan in my mind. Nobody should be awake at 6:30 in the morning. It's an affront to the Powers that Be, who gave us the blessed Sunday to spend sleeping into the wee hours of the afternoon.

No no no, we're playing games today. We're going to enjoy playing games too. Well I am, while Kel runs himself that little more ragged running the event. Today was the SLAM-A-PALOOZA, a stuff around day of gaming for all with fun tables to play on, with their own little themes and features.

The favourite of the day though was “GIT OFFIN MA' LAWN!” where straight in the middle was a small shanty house that house an old man that runs about shooting someone with his... well a good description would be an Elephant Gun.
“Fetch me ma' killin pants!”
But it wasn't entirely fun for all, as we had the finalists from yesterday set up on a table in the corner. The tp four players were facing each other off with larger armies and the determination to go home with the Jackhammer trophy. All four of them would go home with trophies, made up by Humph and Kel themselves, along with other prizes, one of which was picked up by myself at Gencon Indy (A book of Hordes Primal signed by the staff themselves).

I had a fantastic time, even looking after the “Sausages inna bun” stall that was served at lunch. One less thing for Kel to worry about, really, and he was running around like a chook with its head cut off that day. I had myself 3 sausages inna bun, two for the usual and another for my efforts. It went down well with breakfast...

Yes, breakfast: 2 Servo Pies (a normal 'meat' pie, and an Angus Beef pie) mixed with 2 Red Bulls. Everyone could see what was going to happen, and they were standing at least a good metre away from me when they could.

And fuckin jesus they were right. I kept myself moving, just to make sure it doesn't concentrate into a biohazard in that area and that if anyone caught a whiff, they would only catch a small scent of it if anything at all. Kel was the only person who caught it, and that was while we were packing the terrain and stuff into his Man-cave. “Oh Medway that's wrong. Wrong wrong, it's all full of wrongibility.”

Back to the game, and away from the chemical warfare in my bowels, it was a day full of interesting fights with my pig army. Oh man, the Baconation list wasn't going well for me, as first game I lost within the first few turns; the second game was a buy (I don't get why it's supposed to be called a bye); the third game was on “GIT OFFIN MA LAWN” where I almost annihilated the old man in the house on first turn (Looking at my army it looked like everyone was revolting against the farmer) and I lost because Rob was playing a dude who shoots someone so many times that if they're not dead then they're pretty much bullshit; and the fourth game was on a temple table and I lost because I just couldn't roll well enough. And when I roll 5 dice, and have to take away the two best, and I still don't get above 9, it was pretty obvious where the game was headed.

All in all, it was extremely fun. And I know that Kel won't be organising another event for a long time, if at all. It was also a tiring game, so I'm going to go to sleep now. G'night.


  1. To hell with being nice, you should have upped the chemical warfare! Couple of curried egg sandwiches, Hungry Jacks onion rings, (do they still make them?), and whatever else causes the EPA to break out the safety suits. If you couldn't win the normal way, win by default when your opponents pass out.

    But anyway, sounds like you had a great time.

  2. Oh yes, I could've gotten the Onion Rings too! And honestly, I kinda miss curried egg sandwiches.

  3. Brutal. And the games looked tough as well :) There is nothing quite like the deep tired that you get after playing in big event. I take the day after Cancon in just for the twelve hour sleep.
