21 May 2012

Late to the Avengers Party

Lets face it.  Hulk is a Bully.
Most of my friends have gone and seen Avengers, and are foaming at the mouth at how awesome it was.  Even those who tend to be a bit picky with their movies enjoyed it.  Some even created an alternative story to appease those who thought it was a little lacking.  To them I say "There were Five Movies leading up to the film.  There's your in-depth story."

The stories of Nick Fury and Co?  I reckon that can earn a movie in itself.  A prequel covering the story of Hawkeye and Black Widow?  Sure.  I could totally dig that.  Even if I'm not a Gushing Fan of Scarlett Johansson.

Oh, what's that?  Sacrilege?  I should be burnt at the stake for committing such heresy?

Well throw me in water and see if I float, but I'm not a gushing fan.  Sure, she did a good job as Black Widow.  But I didn't care if I saw her arse completely covered in leather, as it was, or in a string bikini.  I was more excited seeing Gwyneth Paltrow in a pair of denim shorts.

Moving on before I get too distracted, the flick was fantastic.  Great Lines, Great emotion, and Great answers to interesting matchups.  There were fights EVERYWHERE.

So everyone who wants to go see it, but isn't sure whether they want to go see it?  Put it this way: if you enjoyed the other five movies, Iron Man 1 & 2, Captain America, The Incredible Hulk, or Thor, then you will LOVE this movie.


  1. Gwyneth Paltrow over Scarlett Johansson?

    You and I, sir, have come to an irreconcilable difference of opinion. Ms Paltrow is a bug-eyed swizzle stick, while Ms Johansson is purest eye candy.

    This is fact. Anything else is nonsense.

    1. Oh Dirk, I thought you of all people would understand that I like them older.

    2. Actually to be honest, I was most excited by Cobie Smulders. Love a girl with nice smile.

  2. But Scarlett IS older than you isn't she? You're a young 'un.

    And I do have to agree with Dirk. You need your eyes checked (again). Scarlett is by far the hotter of the two. They're not even in the same league. Cobie Smuders is pretty hot though...
