10 May 2012

Sixty-Two Damage

So.  We have a good idea what Colossals do.  And also some more stats and features of my favoured war machine of the Motherland, Conquest.

Lets start with his stat line.  As far as what has been spoiled, he has the same Speed and Armour as a Juggernaut coupled with the health of two Berserkers. (Do your maths, and yeah it's true)

Health is a somewhat funny subject.  When an attack damages a Colossal, first you have to determine your position to the Colossal.  If you're to it's left you deal damage to the left grid, and vice versa.  If you're standing in both, or you're in it's back arc, you can choose which grid.  Then when one grid is full, it goes over to the next grid starting on a d6, meaning you don't start straight from column 1.

If the damage doesn't have an origin, for example Fire Continuous Effect, then you randomise which grid it is (eg: 1-3 left colum, 4-6 right column) and then apply damage as normal.

Systems work the same as any other Warjack, but the Left and Right Systems apply to all the weapons on that side, Melee and Guns included.
Sidenote: Just realised that Critical Amputation from the Destroyer's Melee attack can get FANTASTIC Milage out of these guys.
As for damage, he can deal a pretty good amount.  Colossals start off with a Melee Range of 2".  Always.  I'm suspecting the only exception is the Kraken has up to 4" during his activation.  On top of that, each weapon has its own melee range which halves the front arc.

His fists are the same power as a Juggernaut with the Butchers Fury Spell.  Since he has two of them, it's madness.  Given his full compliment of focus, which is the same as any other Warjack, he can make a Behemoth feel a bit weak at the knees.  It's not often the Behemoth can stand next to a Warjack who can deal the same amount of Raw damage to a Juggernaut as he.

After that, there are new Power Attacks for this giant Warjack to perform to get the best benefit during his turn.  One is a Thresher Style attack, using one weapon and attacking everyone within melee range of it.  The other option is a swat style attack, where a model in melee range gets slammed.  No run up like anyone else would need, just backhand the target.  Which is easy with the Giant Fists he has.

But wait, THERE'S MORE!

He has guns.  You would think there's 3 guns, but you'd be wrong Right.  The underslung cannons are a duo with an interesting rule

We'll start with the Main Cannon, because that's a F-off cannon that starts off with +1 Range, AOE and Power over a Destroyer Bombard, with the additional benefit of Critical Devastation, Throwing[?] all models under the AOE away from Conquest.  That's a very awesome cannon.
[?] - I don't have the rules for the Mule on me, but I think it's a throw.
The underslung guns are a different story.  To start, as I understand it, they're just like Hand Cannons with the AOE of a Bombard, and a special ability called Creeping Barrage.  Rather than a normal ranged attack, place an AOE 3 within 12" and anything that enters/ends its movement in the AOE suffers a half Power Damage roll.

Board control?  Hell yes.  It may not be too threatening, since it's 7 off the dice against Winterguard or the like, but it still makes your opponent second guess his motives.

But if you didn't want to lay your templates, you can make an attack against someone.  Then do it again.  Because rather than one shot against a model, you get two.  Two entirely different attacks against the same target.  Whether you can redirect this second attack, or it automatically misses, I dunno.  But that's still awesome.

To top off his Board Control he doesn't suffer any forced movement, and can't be disrupted, both per standard Colossal Rules.  So once he's there, he won't be leaving until he's destroyed.

Overall, is this fella worth the same as a Behemoth and a Berserker?  I'll probably have a better idea if I put him on the table, but I'm pretty convinced so far that this fella will be super-fing-awesome.

Just for a little size comparison.


  1. Anonymous07 June, 2012

    Random thought: how will this big guy work with Harkevich? Firing all the guns twice sounds too good to be true.

    1. Doesn't fire all Guns, Broadsides only lets them make One ranged attack, so fire the main guns!
