04 January 2011

Khador Gun Carriage

So I don't like it. The Horses are Mummified with armour plating, the carriage looks like a solid brick with peep holes, and... well i just don't really like it.

I understand the mindset behind it: You want a mobile fortress from which to shoot the living crap out of anything and everything, and you don't want your mobility to be shot immediately to cancel out ANY threat the vehicle may actually have.

But damnit, it still looks weird.

I'm not sure where I stand on it from a gameplay perspective. I trust that PP have balanced it out, that it won't turn the tide of battle so much that it's a tsunami against a sand castle, but for some reason I still feel a little funny about it.

Resin is practically a necessity. If it were metal, that's a fuck tonne of metal to be carrying about for a fraction of your army. I would not accept the back problems that this thing would actually generate.

I just... I guess I'll see the rules and purchase one for the sake of purchasing one and saying "I have one of these" but damnit I expected a nicer model. Or something completely different at least.

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