09 May 2011

Large Scale Warmachine

Privateer Press are introducing an alternate system for their Warmachine/Hordes games called Unbound. As far as I know, the system changes to instead of having “My turn, your turn”, it goes to an alternating group activation.

Reminiscing back to when I played a 2000 point MK1 game with Scotty, it was long and tedious. It took the better part of an hour just to get my own turn done. And Scott decimated my entire Army in one turn which was a little depressing.

So the alternating activations sounds like a good change. Rather than sitting down for the better part of and hour doing nothing but bookkeeping, you're shortening that to only a few minutes between turns. And by the end of the round, the game has changed significantly for both armies, rather than leaning towards one side who had a rather good turn, though that may still happen in Unbound, but the other side at least has a moment to change the game before they're completely overrun.

I've not had much experience with this style of turn taking, which is limited to Dystopian Wars. I'm having fun with that, but it's only got a small number of models. The points costs may reach up to 2000, but the model count isn't as significant. You'll always want units in your Warmachine list, so you'll want to cater to that which will bring your model count up significantly.

But the point is it gives me an idea of what the system is like. Turn after turn, taking out units before they even activate. It just seems like a good way to change a high point game, making it more involved than a waiting game.

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