16 October 2012

Where I'm headed

There have been some changes in my life of late, and I haven't told many people about them because some are a bit embarrassing, and others just aren't set in stone so I just don't want to get people excited until they are, but I just want to let it out what I want to do.

We'll start off back in July where I left my work.  The reason behind it was pretty straight forward: I was tired of it.  It was the same thing that I was doing 6 years ago, and it was very evident that I was burnt out.  So it was high time that I left.

Now it wasn't quite a dead end job.  Granted, there wasn't any different work for me to do because all positions in the 15-man company were filled up.  They literally couldn't give me any work.

Though they did give me the opportunity to advance myself a long time ago.  I was told I could ask the directors to pay for school if I went back to TAFE, and when I asked they happily said "Bring in the doco's and we'll organise your timetable."

Where I stopped was a lack of direction.  I didn't know what I wanted to do, and I didn't know where to look.  So I basically didn't bother.  I've been writing on here for quite a few years and it's all a bunch of crap in my opinion, very misdirected and loses momentum quickly and drops off without making any real point.  I'm aware of that and I put that down to my memory as I get halfway through an analogy and forget what my point was going to be, half of which I have trouble putting into words in the first place.

I'm working on that.  I've got drafts here and there with little notes about what I want to talk about, narrowing down subjects so I can elaborate on them throughout some big post that I want to make for when I get the motivation to write it up.  Not to mention I have a drawerful of writing pads and art pads that aren't being used, so what better way to use them than to put a pen in the ring spine, carry it with me and write up whenever I get an idea.

But back when I had the opportunity to go to TAFE, funded by my employers, I didn't take it up.  Cos I was silly and unmotivated to really get myself anywhere.

Now it's been six years and I'm unemployed, looking for work, and finally getting my finger out for TAFE.  But I'm not doing a writing course.  I've signed up for a Bar and Gaming course so I could get an RSA.  I chose to do this because 1: It's a Practical Skill that can be used anywhere.  If I were to go to America and stay with Jenny, I could easily get a job in a pub or bar.  I'm also looking at doing a MYOB course as well, but I need to wait a bit before I can actually afford it.

And 2: I am going to try and go to the 'Zoo to live with Jenny.  It's been almost 3 years we've been in a relationship, and we've spent almost 2 months together.  And it's getting harder and harder every day.

With my lack of job, it seemed the best opportunity for me to start somewhat afresh and look into going there until such time that we can return here.  I'm still not sure what all the little details are, like who I have to see, what documents I have to get and where to get them from, and finances are a big thing too.  Centrelink is a modest income, and it's getting me by, but it's not going to fund me all the way there.  So I will be pulling a few favours here and there from close friends and family.

That's where I am at the moment.  Aside from rambling about the games that I've been playing lately, and trying to apply for Temp Jobs, that's been about it for the past three months.  I'll be contacted by a Job Placement agency soon, I bet, to discuss Temp Work options, which would be nice.

I may also see about getting a second hand pushbike.  Start riding around the area and do some actual exercise aside from cleaning up around the house.  Its been ages since I've actually ridden a pushbike.  I still remember the last time I did though, I got out of breath so quickly surprised me immensely.  I also went through about 3 Bikes because they kept breaking on me.  Very frustrating, and luckily I got my money back.

But yeah.  That's my story to date.


  1. Good luck with it all. One point where I can have some empathy - I'm back in bike riding range of work. Get a cheap bike and some tools, and keep it running, it's good for the brain and body.

    Volunteer work - when I was unemployed I kept good habits by doing volunteer work. Find something you want to do, and work for several hours a day. The habits are good for you, you meet good people, and you have something positive on your resume rather than 'unemployed'.

    I worked on a database for some charities, and it lead to someone putting me forward for another job, etc, etc. Find someone doing something cool, rock up, and ask to help.

    1. Cheers Bart. The Bar and Gambling course is going really well, and thats some really good advice. I'll get right on it since available work is becoming less likely for now.
