25 May 2010

Free Hole to Hole Action!

Ah, a Blogpost about games. Apologies to those who expected otherwise. May I direct you to Youporn or Redtube?

Some things don't change, and I just haven't stopped playing games. But rather than the usual PS3 I rant and complain and piss and moan about, I've gotten back into Xbox 360. Why? Because I picked one up on the cheap. Rather than fork for a new box, I picked up second hand for about half the price along with extra gadgets (2nd controller, skins, cords and co). I already had a reasonable collection of xbox games, some of which were to be expected (Halo 3 and Gears of War), but I also borrow games from Scotty because he's so behind on his games it's ridiculous. He has about 2 dozen games that he hasn't touched, or only played for 5 minutes, while there are about a half dozen games he plays incessantly or has put them on high priority. Dragon Age and Mass Effect 2 are prime culprits, causing him to play and discover every single aspect of the game, from different classes, races, moral choices, new and old characters, etc etc. It's put him behind on his new games which are slowly stocking up in the background.

I've taken this opportunity to dive on some of these games. First up: Splinter Cell Conviction. Now I've played all but the PSP Splinter Cells. They were great games and Conviction doesn't fail to entertain. It's a more vicious take on Fishers adventures where instead of maybe disabling and knocking people out, you simply kill. There's no option to save them, to keep happy the family of the poor oblivious fellow who's standing in the doorway to your next destination. You simply pull the trigger into his kidneys while you silence his cries with a hand over his mouth. The most difficult level I found was the Flashback level, where you don't get much in the way of stealth moves as you go to save Sam from his demise in the middle of the Gulf War. You don't get to Mark anyone for a chain of kills. You can't kill people sneakily in the middle of the day. And everyone is in your fucking way. I ended up distracting everyone by throwing a grenade into the distance and sprinting to the next area. My favourite part of the game is the Interrogations. There's no fucking about with this, you grab the bastard by the neck and hold him up. When he doesn't talk, you walk over to a nearby piece of scenery and smack him into it. If there's a grand piano nearby, Sam punches him and then lines his teeth with ivory. If there's a TV, he lets him see the stars up close and personal. It's several layers of awesome to see Sam finally getting the bullshit out of his system.

Next I move onto is Portal. Okay, so this isn't actually for Xbox in my case. I logged into Facebook one day and saw one of my mates make a massive announcement that "PORTAL IS FREE!" Now, the only thing I really remember out of Portal is Scotty beating the boss (With considerable ease) and then playing the credits song for us, because it is absolutely adorable and has references to Half-Life in it. But when I got the chance to play it myself, by downloading it for free, I jumped on the chance. It was short lived, as I finished the game MUCH sooner than I expected, but it was s till good fun while it lasted. Portal flashed it's "Speedy Thing Goes In, Speedy Thing Comes Out" system awesomely and I'm quite excited for the sequel which is due to release sometime in the future.

Back to the Nerd-box, I plundered games from Scotty and got my hands on Halo ODST. I've enjoyed Halo for as long as I can remember. I still can't get past the beginning of the second level on Legendary on the First Halo game, but that's why I drop it down a notch and start getting through the fucking game. Halo ODST was fun, and different to the usual Halo style of play not only because you're not a Spartan but because your main character, known only as ROOKIE, runs around an open map that he can either sneak about on, or he can go ahead and shoot the shit out of some Brutes. He can find Audio logs littered across the map as a side option and as more are collected, weapons cache's are revealed. Very fun game and Firefight and game modes like it (Gears of War 2: Horde) I take my hat off to.

Moving on we have Wet, the Quentin Tarantino Video Game. Acrobatic, Slow-mo, Gunfights with a hot computer generated form of Eliza Duschku? Game on. It's not the most fantastic of games. Sometimes it's a little confusing, especially when everything goes to Red, White and Black, but that's just part of the fun. And I have a Dodgy old TV, but that's to be expected. But it's a fun game that I'm yet to finish.

Otherwise, games have been pretty stagnant. I've got my models slowly getting done (and I mean slowly) and I'm spending this week at home because 1: I'm rather sickly, 2: I'm tired, 3: The two together concoct into something that really drags out a day and motivation at work.

Apologies in advance to Kel, as it is another week I don't get to see him. Shit, I got hate texts from Sherrie because I didn't come into Fastbreak today!

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