05 July 2011

“You're Big. Fought Bigger.”

So up for a couple of big games in the next coming months. First and Foremost: Warmachine.

Unbound Rules have long been released and I'm running over them now. Though I'm kinda surprised at how much, or how little, you can activate in your turn. In turn, it also means that designing a list could be finnickey.

The trick is that when you activate a Warcaster or Warlock, you activate their entire battlegroup. Then after that, you can activate up to 4 Units, 4 Solos, 2 Battle Engines and 2 independent Warjacks or Wild Warbeasts. That can work out to be a fairly large portion of your army. Though I suppose if the player wants, they could just not activate that much and save them for later turns.

But trying out the Unbound rules sounds fun none the less.

Next is Dystopian Wars. The other day, I saw someone playing the Naval and Ground forces in one game across a large table. I'll have a dabble in that, thank you, because I have both those Battle Groups, and when the Aerial Battle Group comes out I'll chuck that in for size. I think that works out to be about a 2200 point game?

Lastly, when I eventually invest into a Megacon, I want to play Mercs. Better yet, I invest in two Megacon and play them as a team game, Six Models a squad, 12 models a player. Makes for a massive game, considering the size of a standard game.

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