13 February 2012

It's true, he never keeps his shirt on

This past weekend was pretty good. After two days of fucking around and trying to help my manager with some computer security problems, which was like banging my head against a brick wall before giving up and waiting for it to erode*, the weekend rocked up and first thing on order was to get home, finish off the bottle of Scrumpys I had, (which isn't the best cider I've had) and go to the INCUBUS concert at the Convention Centre with Shaz-Mattaz.

I haven't seen Shez in a Looong time. We've gotten a little distant for multiple reasons, but it was really good to see her and make her laugh. She definitely needed it, I reckon. She had a great big laugh when I said that Incubus played my song, Anna Molly, because they knew I was at their concert here in Brisbane. Shez reckons they don't know I exist, BUT THEY DO! OTHERWISE THEY WOULDN'T PLAY MY SONG!
"Yes they would, it's one of their most popular songs!"
It was a good night. It was good to have fun with Shaz-Mattaz. Hope I get to see her again. And next time, in the Mosh Pit where I can fkn dance like a maniac. Got so energetic sitting in that seat, I think I began to annoy the guy next to me.

Let see, what else happened. Saturday I spent the majority of the day sleeping. Woke up at around 9 to play Skylanders with my Nephew. He brought around a purchasable level. And by purchasable level, I don't mean you can download it. You have to unlock it by placing a figure of the level entrance, such as a Crypt Door, an Ice Cave, a Pirate Ship or a Dragon Temple, and that gets coupled with a character and items you can use in the game. Such as a Healing Potion. Or random skeletons to come and help you fight for a period of time.
I tell you, "Toys for Bob" are onto a fkn good thing here. They even announced their sequel, Skylanders: GIANTS. Yes, GIANTS.
I'm curious whether you can use the new Giant Figs in the first game. Because you can use the old figs in the new game, and it would be COOL.
After we solved the level and he headed off home with his Mum, I went back to sleep for a few hours, woke up, played some Gears of War 3 and levelled up my Horde Stuff, went back to sleep at 6, woke up at about 12:30am, talked with Jenny for a few hours, went back to sleep and woke up to head off to Spring Hill for Warmachine.

Twas a good day. The store is running a league, and while I'm not particularly interested in competing in the League, I'm following the general rule of "you choose 2 warcasters to play with and keep playing with them throughout the league". I chose two casters that I really wanted to play, whom I hadn't really played: Zerkova and Strakhov. I had the two assembled at the time, and put them forward as my choice.

So Sunday, I played 3 Games. Two games were against Aiden (AKA: Callum, I'm pretty sure I confused him before today). First game was using Zerkova versus Karchev.

This would happen to be one of the tougher match ups for Zerkova. Very High Armour with a Very High Damage output if he came into contact with her. So after being dropped to 2 HP after a couple of good hits from something... I can't quite remember what it was, it was probably Karchev's Fissure. But anyway, she was on the backfoot after that. The Kodiak was dealing with the Devastator by throwing him away constantly, with a Unit of Greylords freezing him one time (to which Aiden forgot to shake off earlier), and a Berserker taken down by Great Bears and a Juggernaut. It was a pretty good steam roll on one side.

The other side was an even better steamroll. Rorsh and Brine along with a Marauder just tore through a Full unit of Man-O-War Shocktroopers, a Min Unit of Bombardiers, and a unit of Greylords. I had a unit of Winterguard with Kovnik Joe too, but they were too far out on a flank to be any trouble, really. Kovnik Joe was helpful since he got to the other side of the centre piece, a circular ruin with 3 entry ways, decided to cut through the ruins after going around it, and ended up rolling box-cars on an open Devastator to Destroy him. (After the sod tore apart my Marauder)
Kovnik Joe! Kovnik Joe! Kovnik Joe! HOO-RAH!
This saved Zerkova, only for her, Rorsh and Kovnik Joe to continue to try and take down a 1hp Karchev.

Eventually I lost. A Focus Hoarding Karchev at ARM 23/24 cannot be taken down by a Pig with a Rifle, a Bearded Man with a Handcannon, and a Lady pelting Ice Cream Cones filled with Liquid Nitrogen. No they cannot.

The funniest thing though was later on in the day, I realised something. I pulled my army out based on a list I had printed out for Cancon. The average army list is about 35pts here at Spring Hill. The list was 50pts. I deserve to lose a little bit, but still it was a Fun game.

Second game was against Aiden again, and I made a list using iBodger at 35pts for Strakhov. This game was against Epic Butcher, the madman of Khador, and was over a little quicker than it probably should have been. Y'see, he was so excited about being able to go on a murderous rampage through a field of Winterguard, so he went ahead and did that. Though he did end up in front of Black Ivan. Who was more than ready to go ahead and Destroy him. Greylords advanced and luckily dropped his DEF by 2, Superiority cast on Black ivan for the +2 Mat (didn't need the SPD) and after one or two hits (no crits, sadly) Epic Butcher was removed from the table.

He learnt his lesson: Don't throw your warcaster out so recklessly.

Last game was against a fairly new guy. His game with me was his Fourth game ever, and he was playing with Epic Sorscha. He was slowly learning the ways of Sorscha Assassination. And he pulled it off on me, he had a wall of Winterguard, which I shut down and trampled over with a Juggernaut and walled off with a Marauder and Kodiak (Vent Steam Rocks, by the way). But after clearing them out with Zerkova, that left a very Obvious lane for him to Charge me with.

So fair enough, he Cyclone'd and Charged me. I would've done the same, the Math is all for him to win. The poor fella wasn't lucky enough though. He hit me once and dropped me down to 6 HP, and he even hit me with his Mortar Crew (who had boosted attack dice), and hit me a second or third time but rolled snake eyes, dealing no damage. Naturally, on my turn, I ordered the nearby Kodiak to move over and pound away at him which won me the game, but it was a hollow win. He has earnt the Moral Assassination. He should have gotten it, he really should've. Next time I see him, I'm gonna recommend to check his Orders of Operations. He threw a Mortar shot after he had engaged Zerkova which caused it to miss, and probably would have won him the game.

All in all, it was a very good weekend. I got home on Sunday and played some more Gears of War 3 (Levelling up Decoys can be a bitch), watched Castle and talked to Jenny before going to bed. Jeez I can't wait for her to get here.

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