21 February 2012


I came across a game that I didn't expect, tonight. Risk: Legacy. It's a Campaigning for Risk. Which is cool. However, I find that it's a bit wasteful. Why? Because the rules themselves literally say "DESTROY".
What makes this game unique is that when powers are chosen, players must choose one of their faction's two powers, affix that power's sticker to their faction card, then destroy the card that has the other rule on it – and by destroy, the rules mean what they say: "If a card is DESTROYED, it is removed from the game permanently. Rip it up. Throw it in the trash."
- Board Game Geek
The game itself provide a large number of features that are very VERY permanent. So for instance, if one player wins a game they can create a city where they would like. They can name it whatever they like. They write the name on a sticker and place said sticker onto the preferred territory.

Your deck of territory cards have a number of circles on them which you can place up to about 6 or 8 gold stickers onto each of them. It's a feature that you can upgrade the value of a territory when it comes about again in future games. Same thing with other effects, such as biohazards in certain territories.

Now I like the idea. The idea of campaigning in Risk with rules and strategies that expand and continue to do so is very cool. I've thought about it for ages, just a way to make a consistant campaign for Risk, and frankly this has it available to play over 15 games. With a regular weekly set of sessions, that makes 15 weeks of an exciting campaign of domination.

However, I don't want to deface my stuff just for the satisfaction of one game. I feel that's ripping myself off for future games. Yes, I can play a normal game of Risk on it by just ignoring the stickers and such, but what I would rather have is another Campaign.

As I said, I like the idea of playing a campaign, but I would rather play multiple campaigns with my friends than just the one, because while the one campaign is cool, more is that little bit better.

I'm going to figure out a better way around keeping that maintained if I get this game.

Oh and another thing that I forgot to mention: The game doesn't really provide rules for the Basic Game! So any new players, which amounted to everyone last night except for two of us who weren't really being listened to, were getting really confused through the one rulebook.

Risk Legacy was never meant to play Classic Risk on it.
However, if the person is trying to get a count of stars on cards in the current Risk, the answer is: 30 territories have one star, 12 territories have two stars.
The response from the higher ups of Hasbro, which successfully provides me, and anyone else who wants/needs it, the ability to play using star cards rules. I'm going to make a page on this too.

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