20 September 2009

"And in Second Place, because I like calling him by what's on the card..."

"... The Medway!"

I rewind to day 2.
After a wonderful night of laughs at the Pancake house and a stomach full of pork, cider and dairy, I retired.
The morning arose at 9:30. I figured I was late already, so I dressed and zipped across to the Convention Centre.
I arrived to find that my opponent was absent. He had forgotten his cards and was running back to get them from his room.
As I relaxed and awaited for my opponent to return, a random person in a long jacket began running up to me and poked her head into the corner of my eye.
Sam! A rare sight to see. I promised her a birthday present: A Print of Eiryss. To which I forgot to bring it that day, but I asked Richard to bring it tomorrow since she will there for the Steamroller 500.
Soon my opponent returned and we gamed.
The day was long and punctuated with pervs on an absolutely GORGEOUS brunette girl in a Team Fortress 2 costume (with Papier-mâché Chaingun), and over 5 matches, I stepped out with 1 win against Disco.

The situation had was Bartolo standing rather openly for my Drakhun to charge and annihilate Bartolo. To which I did after casting Battle Lust on the Drakhun.
I rolled a 4 for Flying Steel (2 Attacks) and wiped out his health in one attack. He made his tough roll and came up with a 4.
"KILL!" I roared in excitement.
"Uh, dude? Doc is within range. He has 4+ tough rolls."
13 minutes, 40-something seconds. I would have walked away with the Mage Hunter medal. Ed and one of the other organisers (I've completely forgotten his name, but I know I annihilated his Behemoth) were surrounding my desk and watching the game.
I rolled against him. I hit. I dealt the 1 point of damage I needed to kill him.
He made his Tough Roll.
Slipped through the slits of my fingers, the mage hunter medal was taken from my grasp. We played on and I ended up shooting him in the face next turn and forcing him to fail his tough roll, but it was a good game otherwise.
Fuckin Pirates.

Night came around and I went to the apartment a little early. I needed a snooze. A long day of mental exhaustion really kicks the crap out of you.
Eventually I got back out and went to the Convenience Store and got myself some lemonade. I planned to drink. And I planned to drink well.
I got to the store and my phone rang
"Medway! Where are you?"
"Just left the apartment."
"Okay, sherrie and them are going back to the apartment now."
"Cool. I'll be back in a few minutes."
I arrived back with everyone looking at me in shock, Sherrie with a suspiciously big grin on her face.
"Oh nothing."
"Good. I'm drinking."
The night was spent joking around, Chris and Andy playing Yugioh and testing their decks and the rest of us watching Kung Fu Hustle.
Afterwards, we watched a tv show of a series of short films. Between each short film was an episode of "Errorism: A comedy of terrors". Simple cartoons of a sillouette man, with only his eyes and mouth visible, wearing a bandolier, and planning to take over the world with bombs or acid. But they always go wrong and he dies.
One of the notable short films was "Even Pigeons go to Heaven". It was amazing, as chris would put it.
And then we went to bed.

Last day.
I awoke early as we had to vacate early and apologised to Ed for arriving as such.
The day started off pretty well. Nothing overly distracting, except for a blonde girl in a Red outfit (think flight attendant in red and really short shorts).
First game was against Circle Orboros, Kruegar, on the Moshpit Scenario. He was annihilating my army and I ended up with my warcaster, Irusk, walking out of combat with a Wolfrider, standing in a Gobber Cloud (-2 to his attack) shooting at Kruegar twice. And he was shot twice in the face. dead. First win of the day.
Second game was against Deneghra, on territories (Vertical Running Territories and claim points for holding a territory with no enemies in it, first person to 5 points. I knew it was over when he cast Crippling Grasp on the Greatbears. They were running through a forest, so with practically no movement they didn't help.
Eventually he got through and killed Irusk with Bane Knights.
Third game was against Haley, a specially built list from a friend of his (Who is quite a good player). I won out of scenario, but it was a little disheartening playing him. He knew he sucked, and he would repeat it over and over again.
"I know I suck."
I ignored it throughout the game, and was a little glad that the game ended.
Fourth game was against Aaron, my old friend. Throughout the day, he repeated a line that I threw out on Friday because he said it was insightful and even inspiring.
"I've lost nothing but a game of Warmachine."

I still don't understand the hype, but it has made him happy.
The game went very well for myself. He made his way to one side to accept a charge, but didn't expect me to absolutely annihilate four of his five Trollblood Champions with Greatbears and a Demo Corps member.
His retaliation came slowly and unsuccessfully. All my Great Bears? Passed their Tough rolls and remained standing on 1 health.
To which they turned around and made Grim Angus Stew.
Aaron ended up having killed 1 Demo Corp model. Everyone else? Survived on Tough Rolls.

With the three games won out of four, I wasn't expecting to be very high on the rankings. But much to my surprise, and to quote...

"And in Second Place, because I like calling him by what's on the card... The Medway!"

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