18 September 2009

"Who knew that STD's were collectable?"

Day One.
The morning started with feeling exhausted for no reason. Plenty of tossing and turning kept punctuating of sleep.
Eventually, after laying in bed for about an hour, I gave up and exited my room. A quick shower and a change of clothes and I was prepared for the day ahead.
My phone rings, Scoot is demanding my attention. "Where are you, Medway?"
"I'm across the road."
"Well you better get over here because we're just about ready."
The clocks declare 9am and I'm out faster than you can say "Happy Birthday Sherrie."
After losing track of my position, I quickly get to the centre by quarter past and collect my tags.
What a beginning.
I saw a couple of the guys on the way in and continued my way to the gaming area only to be thanked by Ed for being late.
So it was a simple series of games. Random scenario, and you can choose between two different Army Compositions. I only had one, one list mostly made for the entirety of the weekend.
First through Fourth Rounds. No wins. Two loss by scenarion, Two by Warcaster [Commander, if you will] Kill. A fifth round was played, but my opponent disappeared by that round giving me a "Buy", an automatic win.
It was fair enough, he was in crutches and most of us were getting a little tired and cranky by the end of the day.
Halfway through the day, Kel came up to me with a Proposition.
"What do you think of that, mate?" he asked, handing me a privateer press coin.
"That's pretty cool," i replied. It is a pretty cool coin. Hefty too.
"So what do you think of becoming a Press Ganger?"
It surprised me.
For those at home wondering "What is a Press Ganger? Is it News Reporters who put horses in peoples beds because they stayed up late watching the Godfather?"
Not quite, but that's a silly idea that it might work.
No, it's a representative for Privateer Press who runs Tournaments and Demos for games that PP have made.
I like these games. So I said "Sure".
Kel and Rob are apparently the few Press Gangers in Brisbane. Kel has a NIT [Nerd In Training] and Rob is disappearing for a while for some reason that remains a mystery to me insofar, they thought I'd be all for it.
And I am. I got myself a couple of Battle Boxes and will have to paint them. Cygnar, Menoth and TrollBloods, and I have Skorne figures at home that I can paint. So I'm pretty much all set.
Otherwise, a couple of Starter boxes for Monsterpocalypse and that is that sorted out.
After the 12 hours of gaming, spending and waiting, it was time to celebrate Sherries birthday. Everyone was a little cranky, but the 8 of us from fastbreak walked over to the Pancake House across the river. The wait was a bit arduous but I desperately needed to pee.
I was led to the Bar, something I didn't expect at a pancake manor, and relieved myself before attaining a Strongbow while awaiting a table.
The night carried on with giggles and jokes galore before we taxi'd back to the apartment where I now lay, thinking of getting a cup of water.


  1. I think Kel's offer is a fine idea.

    I would also prefer you move to the currently PG-free city of CBR. You know, if its no trouble.

  2. BTW - feel free to drop me a line if you ever want any sage PG advice. Fair warning tho, odds are I'll just tell you to sockjack whomever is being a pain ;)

  3. I totally have that under control, hey. I might just get myself the Extreme Juggernaut and go "BAM!"
