07 September 2009

Rainbow + Ming the Merciless = Gay Ming?

To get the whole joke: dueling analogs

So last week I bought a PS3. Anyone attached to my Facebook account would know that I'm quite giddy at my purchase.
It makes me happy that I can play a game by myself without having to worry about stupid bullshit such as hardware requirements or needing a particular operating system (Damn you Stormrise and your ridiculously stupid necessity for Windows Vista or Better).

Having the console for less than a week, I have purchased myself a total of 6 games.
Resistance: Fall of Man
Resistance 2
Killzone 2
Sega Mega Drive Ultimate Collection (It's really not that ultimate)
Little Big Planet
Ah the joys of income.
Anyway, I have already completed Resistance 2 (one of the very first purchases) and enjoyed it quite alot. Sci-fi alien invasion set in 1951? Yes please.
Although the storyline was completed in 2 nights (About 10 hours gameplay), I felt a little unfulfilled but satisfied that it was still an entertaining game.

Then I moved on to the Sega Mega Drive Ultimate Collection (Try saying that five times fast and hope that it'll lose meaning. It really is a stupid name for a compilation). Naturally I dove straight into Sonic 3, a personal favourite of mine from when I was but a boy.
Because I was out in the lounge room, seeing the 320 × 224 resolution in HIGH DEFINITION was absolutely astounding. At least, it was easy on the eyes.

And that concluded my Thursday and Friday Nights.
Saturday did not consist of me playing Playstation 3 all day. In fact, I spent most of the day sleeping until 11:30.
At which point, I went and saw Dee at her salon for lunch. She has been down recently because her other half is being a dicknose, and through friday night I was keeping in touch with her and listening to her rant about him and his asshattery.
By the end of lunch, we established that for me to get a girl I must create a highly secured cage (that has about 3 layers name "Riddle", "Mystery" and "Enigma") to sit in my Nerd Hole (Acredit: Erinintheskywithdiamonds) and trap her in to show her my figurines and play video games with.
If people see it and ask, I just say that it doesn't exist and that the government has hacked into their brains because they haven't been wearing their aluminium foil wigs like I have.
Dee knows it all because she eats aluminium, so not only is she safe from the government, but she has to stay away from metal detectors.

Returning home, I decided to try out the internet connection features on my PS3 and find out what PSOne classics are available to download. I had checked it out at work last friday to see what was available, but I wasn't sure what region the Australia Playstation Store would base their releases on. Turns out it's Europe, the one with the least available.
So having connected to the net, I got a little excited. While our internet was capped at the time, and downloading is about as ponderous as a snail making its way through a salt maze, it still allows me to view the store itself.
System update version 3.0 is available. Download?
Yes - No
Well this is a little bit of a surprise.
Okay, I'll download it. Shouldn't take too long. I look at the time, and it says 2pm.
After awaiting a half hour and finding it only 3% through, I gave up on waiting and went for a nap.

Five thirty rolled around and I prepared myself for Dungeons and Dragons. While attendance is usually of a friday night, Aaron had a birthday party with family and thusly, the Dungeons and Dragons was moved to Saturday night where he continued to sport a blue ribbon saying "Birthday Boy".

Aaron has been our Dungeon Master for the better part of 5 years, pretty much since we began playing D&D. He's a crazy DM, and a little wasted on the talents of myself and Richard who have become so numb to role playing that we're really just in it for the Dice Rolls.
This year, he made a pledge to us that he will DM every fortnight for his campaign and someone else can DM the other nights. Scooty has taken up the opportunity (since my Wonderboy campaign is far from complete) and has gotten everything organised.
There's just one snag.
Scooty is still in regular contact with Chase, and has offered him a seat in his D&D.
After being informed about this I had a debate with myself.
I don't want to associate with Chase again. Can I be civil about it? Can I really put up with him again?
Turns out I can't. So I have forgone D&D for Scoots campaign.
I even had an interesting character lined up. A Dragonborn Warlord or Thaneborn Barbarian (hadn't picked at the time) who bases alot of his characteristics from Samuel Vimes. A difficult task, but possible.
C'est la vie.

As I returned home, the update on the PS3 had finished downloading the update. I turned off the device and delved into slumber.

Sunday rolls around and plans with mother dearest had been made with our rituals, breakfast, movie and afternoon relaxation.
The movie of choice was UP. Very entertaining and well recommended. It's a pixar film in every essence that has shone through in the past. It is a family movie which everyone will enjoy.

A few purchases were made afterwards. Mother was looking for a particular pair of shoes at Harris Scarfe, I attained some more Terry Pratchett novels from Borders, the rest of my current collection of PS3 games, a browse through Target (and a keen ear to hear if Shawday was being called on the overhead) discovered how vomit inducingly lame some of the young girls shirts can be: "Inside every little girl is a princess".
Ugh. Illness was feeling abundant.

Stealing away from target, we made our way to the small restaurant outside Harris Scarfe to enjoy lunch.
About 45 minutes later, our lunch was brought out. A Toasted Bacon sandwich with dried out Bacon (and possibly salted as well) and a toasted ham, cheese and tomato sandwich which apparently wasn't very nice at all.

On the way home, we retrieved my PS3. I wanted to make some downloads and because mothers computer is on the blink (it's just killed itself somehow) she is paying for internet that she can't use. Because the PS3 has wireless access, she offered me to use it to download some things and I could show her some of the features of the PS3.
After downloading Final Fantasy VII (A game I am yet to complete) and Future Cop LAPD (A game I haven't played in YEARS), and being disappointed in not seeing some particular favourites (like Vagrant Story) I placed in LittleBigPlanet.

I've heard nothing but good things about LittleBigPlanet. And loading up the game is a game in itself. Literally. It begins as a quick tutorial displaying the Sackman and the Narrator, the hilarious Mr Stephen Fry, explaining things overhead. A wonderful voice to instruct, I attest. He would be the only person to make a Terry Pratchett Novel Funnier, in my opinion.
Thusly, LittleBigPlanet is one of the most adorable games that I have had the pleasure of being entertained by.

That night when I eventually got home after Dinner at my sisters house, I spent the rest of the night playing Solitaire and talking on the net, arguing with Sherrie in the playful way that we usually do, and then delving back into slumber.

Monday night, I played More Resistance: Fall of man (the first game... I began it within the allotted time of the weekend, I'm sure) and eventually put it down to play inFamous.
Think Gran Theft Auto with the Super Power of Electricity, crossed with "Escape from LA". They have all been segregated from the mainland not because they're criminals, but because there is a plague that has stricken the city (which is already a trio of Islands, conveniently) and it is considered an entire quarantine.
The cut-scenes are very cool, taking on a comic-book style apparently "to extend the superhero motif". It worked, I reckon.
I would be a happy man if I could play this on my Monitor, or on the TV in the loungeroom. The HD would make it look super-mega-awesome.
Another aspect of the game is "Karma". If you do something bad, you gain Bad Karma. If you do something good, you gain Good Karma. I learnt a few unexpected lessons about Bad Karma.
  1. Head Shocks (Headshots, even) are bad Karma. As per usual with a game that has 'shooting' as a basic attack, you can shoot someone in the head and it will instantly kill them. Headshock is a play on words, since the main character uses electricity.
  2. Shooting a car that bad guys are hiding behind, and taking them down by blowing up said car, is bad Karma. Fair enough.
    It's not your property. It's not like anyone is using it, though?
    You might hit a nearby civilian! What were they doing in the middle of a Firefight?
    I just killed two wannabe gangters who would have killed hundreds of lives themselves! It still isn't your property!
  3. Standing in the same water as a Civilian is bad Karma. Electricity flows through water, right? The developers remembered this. So every time you step into a pool of water, the water starts making electrical arcs dance across the surface. Harmless to you, of course.
    However, if a Civilian who might be passing by and happens to put a foot in it, they will instantly be fried and you gain bad Karma for killing an innocent Civilian.
    Shame on you.
As 1am rolled around, I decided to finish up so that I may work.

Today, after 3 red bulls in under an hour, my fingers are shaking a little bit. But I'm awake!

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