11 April 2010

Happy Birthday to Dee (and you smell like one too)

Saturday I was only a little hung over. I spent the better part of the day snoozing and talking to Jenny, making the best of a Saturday day with a mouth like Velcro. Fortunately, that was all that was wrong so I brushed my teeth and came back to continue my day of chatting.

Tonight was going to be a blast. It was Dee's Birthday and she had this planned for months, since before December last year when she was offered our place to have her birthday. The plan was simple too, if a little expensive:

She got a few spotlights set up around the yard: A scattered light in the open area of the back yard; a turquoise spotlight going to a spiral that Mel drew up; and an oscillating multi-colour light that also reflects heatwaves to shine up into the very massive tree we have. Dee also ordered in a couple of weird banners, a fractal image on one that spiralled into oblivion, and a couple of mushrooms in weird colours and shapes. To boost the effect of something trippy, a blacklight was placed in front of it with a foil guard to block it from peoples eyes and brighten the banner slightly. On top of that, Dee and half of her guests were Fire Twirlers!

People were allowed to come on one condition: that they bring a mask. If they wanted to dress up, they're encouraged to do so but it wasn't necessary. Dee even had a $400 dress that she wore again.

And it was awesome. The Twirlers lit up their Staves and Poi's, and dancing about high and possibly a little drunk. Anna was awesome, she was going crazy with the Poi's, pulling off moves with no trouble and she was as tanked as she could get!

Anna is pretty cool. She brought her 10yo son Christian to the party, mostly because she couldn't find someone to babysit. But she introduced him to everyone and we parked him in my room for a little while to play my PS3, and I found another fan of Sonic the Hedgehog! But throughout the night, when he got a little too bored playing the PS3, he came out and was bolting all over the place in his starry cape. He even had an iPhone, probably Annas, and he was using the gun app to shake it up and shoot people down. Several times he capped his mum and went over to put the finishing bullet in only for her to tickle him to the ground pretending to be a zombie. He was a little legend.

It was a good night and I lasted until about 3/3:30 before I passed out on the futon into slumberous bliss, until about 5am when Dee poked me really hard several times and dragged me out onto my own bed. I'm not a morning person, by the way.

Saturday night/Sunday morning was pretty awesome. And while I was practising the hair of the dog from Friday night, I was somewhat impressed with myself to reach 3:30am before passing out. Everyone had a good time, and we have a few new friends.


  1. Used to date a firetwirler. It's way sexy, if you can get over the fact they smell like kero.

  2. Yeah, man, the shit they do is amazing. I gave the staff ago and only hit myself with the haft a couple of times. Though Crowney smacked himself in the face with the burning bit.
