03 April 2010

Window shopping

Today as I was talking to Jenny about whatever came across our mind, such as how quickly Jenny can suck down a juice box, and how sniffing super glue at 3am isn't exactly the wisest idea.

At some point, we hit a Lull and I decided to check my Google-reader, which shows updates for blogs I follow. And I suddenly began laughing. "What's so funny?" She asks, and I tell her the story of "Sleep-talking Man".

Kel pointed me to him a few weeks back, and he read it because it gives him his morning giggle. The story is that this mild mannered guy talks in his sleep, and it's generally quite the opposite of his usual form of character. I started quoting some to Jenny and gave her a good giggle.

Later on, I browsed the Privateer Press Forum and checked out a thread about Wooters. It was a show and tell of a shirt the thread starter found and he wanted to show everyone else. I followed throught the link and scanned over the other shirts they had available and found a couple that I figured others would enjoy.

This one I found for Jenny, coz I'm a corny nerd

And these I figured Dirk, Jason and Kel would like

And a particular favourite that the boys would like


  1. *smiles* I love that shirt.

  2. Bwahahahaha! Where do I buy those last two? They're farkin' brilliant! I love the implied slashfic Godzilla/King Kong. I TOTALLY want one for a friend of mine who edited THREE VOLUMES of short stories about Daikaiju. He'd completely lose the plot...please! Gimme a URL!

  3. http://shirt.woot.com

    http://shirt.woot.com/Blog/ViewEntry.aspx?Id=11940 - for the forbidden love

  4. And here's a cute picture that I think everyone will love


  5. "As Godzilla's tail swept away four buildings, so did King Kongs heart sweep away too, breathless at his rampant destruction."
