11 April 2011

Remastering the Remastered

If you're going to do something, you gotta do it right. So when Sony had announced that they were doing a series of High Definition Remasters of games, I jumped for joy, and again when I saw the list of planned games. I didn't mind that they were in collection discs, in fact it was awesome because some of the games on there I hadn't had the chance to play.

For example, there's the ICO and Shadows of the Colossus games. I own Shadows of the Colossus, and I love it. It's a fun game, where you climb over giant Golems to find various weakspots on them and stab them. It's entertaining and can get really hard, but there aren't a lot of Colossi to fight, I think there's 16 in all, and after that it's effectively the end of the game. There isn't much to deviate from after that, though a player can go through again where the Colossi are more difficult to climb over and kill.

So when I bought it, it wasn't worth the $110 that I paid for it, but I still liked it. Reaching the vulnerable points was always different because they came in various shapes and sizes, from a general Humanoid, to a small flying bat, to a water serpent, to a flying serpent (These colossi are made of stone and fur btw), to a sand serpent, to a goat, to a paraplegic... And then there's more, some more aggressive than others.

So when it comes out with Ico, a similar game where you guide a princess through a ruined temple (This is all I know about the game), I'm going to trade in my PS2 copy to get it at a lower price.

on top of that, it's one less game I have to worry about from my PSTwo library.

Another collection coming is the Splinter Cell Trilogy. I love Splinter Cell. They're just awesome. I haven't played them in a very long time and have never owned them. So to have all three in hand, and looking awesome at the same time, I'm getting a bit excited. The last Splinter Cell game I'd played was Conviction, where after so many years of working for a Secret Organisation, Sam Fisher is basically working for himself, and gets to do what he likes. The loses the majority of his gadgets and gets to go all badarse on everyone.

So much fun. And one less game to my PSTwo Library, since I own Chaos Theory (Splinter Cell 3).

One series of games I'd hoped they would remaster though would be the Ratchet and Clank Series. Not only because it takes a considerable chunk out of my Library (three cases to be exact) but because they would just be that little more awesome with a boost to the visuals. Ratchet and Clank "Tools of Destruction" and "Crack in Time" both look fantastic, so the first couple of games given a visual reboot would be simply stunning!

I would like to see all Four rebooted (R&C; Locked and Loaded; Up Your Arsenel; Gladiator), but I'm not sure if Gladiator will get put into the collection. But we'll see if they even consider the collection anyway.

I also wonder if they'll do a Final Fantasy HD reboot, for 10, 10-2 and 12. Doubt it, but hey, you never know. Same thing with Kingdom Hearts. A compilation disc of all the Kingdom Hearts games. That'd be nice.

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