01 November 2009

"Moms Girl Parts"

Yes, that's right. I picked up Borderlands. It's a hilarious sci-fi game set in a wasteland where people have gone crazy over hunting for a possible hidden treasure of ancient alien items on the planet of Pandora.

The residents are either bandits who have given up on finding the treasure and have simply accumulated power by beating the everloving crap out of people, or are residents who are content on living where they are. Then there's the treasure hunters, fools who wander about trying to find the secret of Pandora and die because they came across the wrong people in latex masks holding makeshift machettes, I.E. The Bandits.
The residents are friendly and honest. Like Scooter.
"Whooweee. That's more busted up than my moms girl parts! Thanks for having a poke at 'er. Uhh, the machine, not my mom. Hotdog down a skag den, if you know my sayin, hehe."
Very honest. It gets funnier.
"I really appreciate you goin out to save Lucky. He's a real close friend of the family. I.E. He's the asshole that busted up my moms girl parts. So if you could keep him alive long enough so that I can kill him myself, that'd be great."
Pure gold sincerity.

The game pays tribute to some legendary heros. Mad Mel and Bruce McClane are two examples that we, the boys and I, have come across.

The developers have not taken this game entirely seriously. Every major boss has a quick introduction screen,with them pulling off a pose while the background flashes their name and a quick note down the bottom. Such as:

As with every other game, there's always the cute character. Todays example is the c1ap-tp, aka: The Clap Trap. They're funny little square robots that look like Square bins at first, but they're very sentient and prone to outbursts of dancing to "UNST UNST UNST". They feature through the game with little quotes such as "I'm leaking! I'm leaking everywhere!" or "I can't breathe! It's only a recording of breathing! Breathing is not real!"
They even imitate heartbeat when they've fallen over with a storage deck beating out of it's chest.
And, of course, small icons of Clap Trap Caricatures are riddled everywhere in the menu. Highlight a medical item and the icon has a Clap Trap in a wig and nurses outfit. Highlight a Sniper Rifle, and he stands there with the rifle to his hip and a beret to one side. Celebration has a party hat and a party whistle being blown from his front vent.

I'm loving this game. It's frustrating at the moment because I'm needing a new Assault Rifle soon, but I've been finding everything BUT Assault Rifles. The item set through the game is mostly random, so finding a gun you want is a mission in itself.

Update: Another Tribute has been found!
Jaynis Kobb in Jaynistown!


  1. Claptrap was funny at first. Now, I'm thinking that Claptrap is the new Jar Jar.

  2. I can see what you mean. Good thing you don't have to interact with him very often.
