27 November 2009

He's totally not Dr Zed from the last story! Look at his Moustache!

Zombie Island of Dr Ned is the Downloadable Expansion for the very entertaining Borderlands. Previously, I finished Borderlands with much enthusiasm running through. I was disappointed to find that the ending wasn't as entertaining as I thought, having defeated the final boss in about a minute (literally) and then getting confused on what I should be doing while standing about after "OH LAWD! THERE AIN'T NO HEAVAN!" droaning on over the credits. Not a bad song, mind you. Maybe just a little random.
But finishing up the game and finding myself having 1 mission to finish off in Western Rust Commons, I decided to put down the game.

Rewinding time for a little bit, about a week after Borderlands was released they announced an upcoming downloadable content. They even gave everyone some Trophies and Achievements (PS3 and Xbox 360 respectively) to collect for the upcoming pseudo-expansion.

Fast Forward to the night of the 27 Nov. A long two weeks has it been since I last played Borderlands. A friend of mine reminded me that last tuesday "Zombie Island of Dr Ned" had been released to download on the PSNetwork. An hour later, after figuring out that the PS3 won't background-download while a DVD is playing to pass the time, I began my journey to Jakobs Cove in search of Brain-mongering Zombies and strange mutants while accompanied by a BBQ Chicken pizza and a Green can of Lemon-Lime Solo.
Side note: The Reheated Pizza and new can have decided to turn against me by burning my mouth and not opening properly when I demand comfort.

Three to four hours later, I retire with but one question on my mind: What is with the Zombie Brains. Every third or fourth Zombie that I down doesn't, I repeat: Doesn't, drop a Zombie Brain. It frustrated me to no end! I messaged Scooty in an inadvertant way of informing him of the downloadable content by saying "WHY AM I STILL COLLECTING ZOMBIE BRAINS! THEY DO NOTHING!"
Still I plodded along, testing my ability to ignore items that can be retrieved, and failing 3/5 times.

The Humour continues, as is tradition with Borderlands by following every single Cliche they could work into it as possible, from bodies littered around of poor dorks that tried to solve the Zombie Apocalypse, to the ECHO recordings of a Shaggy Spoof, to the Badass Tankenstein who, you guessed it, throws explosive tanks at you.

For a ~1gb download, it was worth the 5-6 hours of entertainment. I heard rumours of better guns and gear, but I didn't really come across any of that. *Shrug* All well. You can always look for Zombie TK Baha and watch him throw up Zombie Brains and a nifty random item.


  1. Now when the heck are they going to release this DLC for the PC version? Sigh.

  2. hmmm...i have no comment on this blog.....i have no interest on it at all.....i wish you to write a new blog, one where i can contribute my intellectual genius....

  3. @Greg: That's a bloody good question, but not my problem haha

    @Jubs/Anonymous: You and Intellect is an Oxymoron.

  4. that is very rude medway coming from someone who spends his nights fighting zombies...if i didnt know any better i would think you were trying to insult me
    I will forgive you just this once
