09 December 2009

T-Minus Too Much

104 and a half hours to go until my holidays and the work week has just begun.
But enough about work. Work is boring and is secretly asking me to slit my throat with a ream of paper.

96 hours to go and I'm on my way to Mums place. The easiest way to get to mums is by bus. I had to make a small debate with myself. Take the bus all the way, or take the train before jumping on a bus for a much shorter distance with more legroom.
Train and Bus it was. I had to finish the book I was reading anyway (Myst: The Book of Ti'Ana). I picked up another Terry Pratchett novel over the weekend (Witches Abroad) and it has been a while since I read Terry. I'm starting to get Withdrawals.

I turned up at Mums place, prepared to have a nice roast dinner that Mum had organised for the day. Dinner with her Son and Daughter deserves a good dinner.
So I knock on the door and wait for Mum to climb off the couch and open the front door, as she usually does when I come to visit.
I knock again. She probably didn't hear me the first time, being asleep on her recliner.
I knock a third time. Okay, so if she's not on the couch then she's in bed having a snooze. I may as well go around the back and let myself in.
The house is empty. Mum leaves the TV on all the time, so I'm not surprised about that. So I give her a call.
"Hello mother."
"How can I help you."
"Well I'm at your place."
"... Oh shit... Sorry Matt."
Mums excuse was that she had been running around all day and forgot about the plans with her son and daughter, plans affirmed the day beforehand, and now she was up at my Niece and Nephews Kindy Xmas Party. The Niece is 4 and the Nephew is 1. The Niece was in her xmas gear, a little red dress and bells for earrings. You could hear her moving her head from the other side of the room.
Santa was handing out presents to all the kids, calling out their names, saying thank you and getting a quick Happy Snappy for the parents.
The Nephew was called out and on the approach he started to bawl his eyes out at Santa before running away for his Mummy.

To make up for the lack of Roast, Mum said she would shout me some takeaway and just hang out at her place to watch a movie.
As usual with Foxtel, there is hardly anything good to watch on the 400+ channels available. Luckily for us, there was a movie we were both keen to watch: Max Payne.
I don't recommend this film, honestly. It is very slow and there is hardly anything to the story itself. Some of the aspects were pretty interesting, but otherwise it was extremely lackluster.
*Shrug* We gave it a chance and were disappointed.

Skip work time and we are on 72 hours remaining.
A Monpoc tourney was organised. 5 people turned up (*Sad Face*) but it was good fun otherwise.
Shez, Pekin and Jarr were off to see Greenday. Not long after the tournament had started, I recieved a message from Pekin.
hey dude that chick from king of Leon is here and she was like "hey u replaced ur guy friend what a shame aye"
Immediately I called him and told him to give her my number. I know he didn't, but he should've.
I still remember Kings of Leon. She was keen on me, I could tell, but Shez kept telling me that she thought I was a retard.
I admit that I was a little trashy that night... I already had a stein or two before the concert and had a few more at the Entertainment Centre, and a few more afterwards... But I was cool. Totally suave in a slightly obnoxious way.
Pekin had his orders, and I bet he didn't go through with them. All well.

Not very interesting day. Dinner with a friend was cancelled, a little to my disappointment, and I ended up downloading Bloodbowl and starting the next Terry Pratchett novel (Witches Abroad, as mentioned above).
48 hours to go.

Thursday. Today even.
The most exciting thing so far is the Secret Santa give outs. I had been forgetting the Xmas Presents I bought for Reuben all week and still hadn't wrapped them. So I asked Tim if she had any wrapping paper and VOILA! Poorly wrapped Superman Freezer Mug and Superman Stubbie Holder in under 5 minutes.
I scored pretty well out of my stuff though. There was this weird Ben 10 thing, where it's the soft rubber and can turn inside out to be an Alien or Ben. Then there were two random fantasy books: "Tales of Mithgar" and "Beneath an Opal Moon". The last item, and the best part in my opinion, is the Box of Lego Pirates! A Buccaneer with a Cannon, a Pedestal with a Golden item on top, and a Pirate with a Tresure Map and Cutlass! I assembled it as soon as I got it! The cannon can fire lego pieces and shoot down the Pedestal! It makes me want to get the $170 lego truck that I saw ages ago at Kmart.

It is now 12:30 and I have... 28 Hours to go until my 5 weeks of holidays.

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