10 December 2009

Tits, Tweezers and Too much alliteration

So here's the irregular rant about wimmen.

We'll start off with the easy one. I don't mean that in a "She's a dumb slut" way.
Girl 1 has finished uni, and I'm very proud of her. Unfortunately for her, she failed a subject by 1 percent, but I'm still very proud that she has gotten this far anyway.
With the turn of the seasons and the beginning of her 3 months school holidays, her work shifts have started picking up to about 38-40 hours on her favourite time shift: Midnights!
She was excited. I was happy she was excited. First week passed and I rather missed her. Usually I would receive a message or two from her, ones that would make me laugh, or would make me want to cheer her up by saying something malicious, or help her stop feeling embarrassed because she would be continually laughing for no reason in the middle of the food court, or would worry me because she would do something like burst into tears for no reason while she's on the bus to Uni.
I told her I missed her random texts, and she somewhat amended that the next week by sending me a message at like 12:30 at night, or later, with something random. 9 tenths of the time I wake up, but that's fine.

A couple of nights I've been worried, though. One night she came home in tears. She missed her own life. All she did now was sleep and work and occasionally watch the sun come up at WTF O'clock.
The last time she got me worried, she sent me this:
Loneliness just crashed through my iron gates, engulfed me in miserableness and is watching me fall apart. Bastard.
Poetic, to her credit. The annoying part was that because I was already awake, I figured it wouldn't harm me if I called her. I was worried and she didn't reply to my messages! But she didn't pick up. Which subsequently left me with worry that kept me awake for another couple hours.

Girl 2 hasn't got anything to whinge about. Well, except for canceling dinner on Wednesday, but that's something I can live with. We've been talking alot about lots of stuff. Some of it scandalous too.
She has been stuffed around by guys in the past. Since we've been really talking, she has had about 3 guys lead her on then dump her like a used... I'll stop the analogy there.
Anyway, the last one has thrown her for a loop. He had been a good friend for ages and made it clear that he was keen for her. She was keen too, so things happened. Too bad it was the same thing that happened.
Eventually she became somewhat recluse, and we lost contact for a few months. I was sad about it, but I moved on. Out of sight, out of mind.
Not long ago, we started talking again and we've been messaging quite solidly since, which makes me happy.

Other girls? Lets see. There's a new bakery girl. She has worked there before and was pretty quiet, but recently she has spoken up a little more. No idea what her name is though. Her name tag is never actually hers. Tomorrow will be the last time I see her for 5 weeks (Unless I either see her in town or come back to Windsor).

If anyone was wondering about the Alliteration thing? It's because looking over this months Blogs, they all began with T. Completely unintentional. Except this one.

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