07 December 2010

I should buy a cape. And Spandex.

"Lab camilla and stav are at shops ... go and get on radio !"
"I'm on my way"

You'd think nobody would be that excited about getting me anywhere near a public venue, but that's Tim for you. She got excited when i was in the newspaper, twice no less in the "Ask the public" boxes near the front of the newspaper, and i'm pretty sure i told her about how i was on a kids game show when i was 11.

I remember that being hard fought, since one of the other girls thought she was chosen to go on the show. We even had a competition, the teacher (because i can't remember her name for the life of me) had us all answering trivia questions and me, daniel and Cassandra (i think) won the entire thing. Then came game day and Sarah was arguing that she was captain of the team, but i argued with her and eventually won (i think it was another competition) and because sarah was so upset the tv staff gave her a shirt to make up for it.

Then I looked at the prizes and it was either a bunch of CDs or a pair of Sketchers, so i opted to get sketchers. I needed new shoes, and these were better than the dunlop brand mum got all the time. Sadly they were stolen from me when i left them outside the door of the after school care centre for a few minutes one day. Still pissed about that.

The Newspaper however was intimidating to say the least. If it wasn't bad enough that i got caught in a corner, i was caught by a hottie (sorry jen) and her cameraman (who looked a little like Wes Carr). They asked me "what do i do different for winter" and they laughed with me as i attempted a funny joke and had my photo taken.

About 2-4 weeks later, the big boss emails the office a quote about staying at home for lack of confidence issues, and asking who it was. Totally misquoted, but who's going to argue with a brick shithouse?

I can hardly remember the second time i was in the paper but it was the same deal, different rag, worse picture.

Now's my chance to be on radio. But do i want to be on B105?


  1. As somebody that has been on B105, I say do it.

  2. You know what's kinda disappointing?
    I got to work at 8:30 and they had already packed up by 8.
