21 August 2009

Explicity Deleted


Dead is it?
What the FUCK is he talking about?
When Sony created the Playstation 2, one of their biggest selling points was to have backwards compatibility with Playstation 1 games!  Now he says that it's DEAD?!  It's not a SELLING POINT ANY MORE!?

Who the FUCK is he kidding?

Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii are backwards compatible with MOST of their range!
What separates them from Sony?

Many conspiracy theories are floating around for WHY its not backwards compatible.

Too expensive to incorporate into the hardware or software;
It keeps the sales for the PS2 increased due to overstocking themselves;
Some stupid twat is trying to bring Sony down from the inside by convincing them of stupid ideas;

I'm willing to lead with the latter, since this bloody idiot has affirmed that it is not coming back and is confident in his statement that it will remain that way.

Okay, sure.  Backwards Compatibility isn't much of a selling point these days.  Every one and their mother is backwards compatible (That's really not a safe analogy).
But does that mean you should take it away?  Would removing something that has become so standardised really keep things the same, or even make it better?
In the words of a friend of mine: "Know your place, Peon".

Sega was a leading star in Backwards Compatibility.  They made the Mega Drive Game Converter, the clunky cartridge that you jammed into the top of your console so you could play the Master System Games you loved so much, like Wonder Boy and Dragon Crystal!

Since then, the consoles have worked from Discs and backwards compatibility has simply been incorporated into the system because all upgraded forms of Disc have been able to work with their predecessors.

Its not like it's fucking hard.  A few 0's and 1's here, a under-clock setup there, and a few graphical adjustments with this, and BOOM!  Backwards compatibility.

You know what?  I'm still going to get one.  I still want to play their exclusive games.  I might even trade in my almost-9-year-old PS2 for a new PS2 as well, but I doubt that now.

But I DEMAND that Playstation make a downloadable or purchasable program to allow PS2 title compatibility.

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