20 August 2009

Gaming for Charity

About 18 months ago, an event called Gencon Oz appeared on my social radar, an event where neck-bearded gamers and hot little cosplayers attended to enjoy the fun and excitement of social gaming and nerdly eccentricities.

I attended in excitement, planning to wage Warmachine (haha, you see what I did there?) across the two days of B.O. and Geekly Pop Culture jokes.

Quite a few people attended, many of whom I enjoy seeing to this day, and I have made plans to attend again this year.

One particular fellow stood himself out a little bit earlier.  His name is Spenny, and he Games for Charity.  Well, his name isn't actually Spenny, but it's what I work with.
His foundation of choice is Heartkids, a group devoted to research into Congenital Heart Disease, an affliction his daughter was unfortunate enough to recieve.  So last year he made an offer to some friends and a few of the guys attending to make donations depending on his play.
25c per victory point; $5 per state resident/pressganger he defeated; $5 for placing best in faction or in the top 4.
Throughout the weekend he was also recieving random donations of $20 or more, gifted to him for being such a good sport.
Overall he made about $800 (Is that right?) and donated it very proudly to the foundation.
Since then, he has kept it up with the large events that he has made attendance and earnt quite a bit for the charity over the past year and a half.

This year, Gencon Oz is turning up again and with his attendance, he has started up the charity run again.
I've opted in for the 25c per victory again, because frankly I'm a bit of a stinge, but I've also roped in my workmates.  I sent the email around describing his ventures and how the setup works and recieved emails asking how it works because I apparently didn't make sense, or asking if they have to attend or play themselves, (And one asking if this was actually from me and not forwarded on) but eventually when everything was made clear about a half dozen people have said they would donate, half of whom have declared flat donations, and the remainder making pledges based on his play.

So that's what I'm doing for Gencon Oz for Spenny.

As for playing myself, well... I haven't done anything since the night at Kel's.  So I'm bringing my stuff to work on monday and painting during lunch!
It'll be good.  Just have to get my arse into gear.

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