17 August 2009

The Crotch of it all

Hopefully Dvandom doesn't mind me linking this
Thats right ladies and gentlemen. This is a post for one of the Lords of Cthul's most useful units: The Meat Slave.
These rolling testicles of tenacity are capable of some of the most aggravating feats of Cthul playstyle through simple denial, respectively from each of their special abilities.
The first on the list is
Incubator - if this unit is hit, crush it and replace it with a faction unit without Incubator from your reserves.

Anything from the Lords of Cthul you can fill in its place, simply for the sake of denial. A taskmaster is a prime choice. With its high defence removal from a prime position, such as a power zone, is made harder. Making things harder again would be a figure with cloak, requiring figures to get closer.

If you're ready to make an assault on your next unit phase, replace it with anything from a corruptor to a Cthulubite and mangle your opponents units, or even monster.
The best part of it all is that you brought a figure out, a possibly expensive figure too, for nothing. That is fantastic in anyones eyes.

The next ability on this miniature Mr Creosote is the action:
Bleed - restore one heath to an adjacent monster then crush this figure.

This is half the source of endurance to a Lord of Cthul.
The other half is the abilities on the monster itself.
  • Cthugrosh and Ancient Osheroth both have Sacrifice.
  • Ancient Osheroth's Morpher form and Yasheth have Vampirism.
  • Yasheth also has Leech.
  • Ulgoth and Mogroth are the only ones that lack self preservation abilities. Mind you, Ulgoth doesn't really need it.

The ability to restore health is invaluable in a faction.
There are only two factions that cannot heal: Shadow Sun Syndicate and Planet Eaters.
Terrasaurs eat apartment buildings.
Martians eat Nuclear Power plants.
Guard have a repair vehicle, which is also employed by Tyrranix's Morpher form (Since Trucks need fixing sometimes too).
This is one of the things that makes Lords of Cthul unique: the ability to take whatever and then come out with more, if not the same, amount of health as he went in with. The Meat Slave delivers this in a small, rotund and fleshy sack of goo and it would be a waste to see it missing from any list.

Securing Buildings and holding Zones is a huge part of the game, but sometimes your opponent will get in your face and eliminate your units before you have your first Power Up roll.
Meat slaves can take these roles with some tenacious results. Utilizing their Incubator ability, any attack made against them will be countered into your favour.
Taskmasters, Corruptors and Tanglix make a prime choice for holding their positions with their average to high defence, and then cover if they are Securing Buildings, a second assault requires more in the attack than before.

Tanglix, Spitters, Snatchers, Squix and Cthulubites are good choices for a Retaliation. Tanglix and Spitters as they can continue to hold the point while retaliating with their Blast attacks. Squix and Cthulubites to return fire with their blast attacks as well, however with flight they won't be holding any zones except for the sake of denial. Snatchers are good for a running assault, when you can benefit more from disrupting their units than holding the point or building.

If any shadow units are available, feel free to place them as well. Because they're brought in for free, Shadow Taskmasters are a good choice as they can hold the point without a problem but Tanglix or Snatchers are better for the retaliation.

The other 'tactic' I can think of isn't so much a tactic as something to consider. Because meat slaves suffer from low speed, getting them in to use Bleed is a somewhat difficult.
If you're playing a monster that relies on getting into an opposing monsters face, try to consider your spawn points or even teleporters on the map so that you know you can get your Meat Slaves adjacent to you. If you need some help with movement, place a Taskmaster next to the spawn point to take advantage of Motivator and make sure you're securing an Oil Refinery to have the impregnated sacks move six spaces across the field.

Some monsters don't need to worry about this, however. Mega Cthugrosh and Mogroth are both good blasters and tend to stay back from the fight. In turn, they stand among their secured buildings and Meatslaves surrounding them. Unless the opposing monster has beatback, they remain rather secure and healthy.

Well that's where I stand with the Meatslave. As mentioned, it would be an utter shame to see a list without one.

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