07 February 2010

Low count but High Entertainment

So Sunday the 7th February was the first tournament to usher in the new year with the Quantum of Pocalypse. Quantum is a term used for something you just don't want to explain because it's either too complicated or it's so ridiculous that you just make something up so that you seem smart because you can explain Quantum.

By the way, Scientists are the Greatest Bluffers Ever.

Unfortunately we didn't have enough preregistered players to receive the prize kit, so we didn't get the official prize kit. However, our local press ganger organised a few emergency prizes to put forward so that someone has something to go home with!

With the new year of gaming and no more of the frantic organisation of meetings, such as those associated with December, we were hoping for a rather good turn out.

That was not the case. I turned up alone and early, knowing that our Incinerus player had dropped out due to work reasons. Turning up, I found that our Zor-Magna player may not turn up because of a very late night last night. Ask no questions, tell no lies.

Okay, fair enough. I checked to see if our Ape Player will be turning up and he said that he would be so there's a plus. In the end, one other player arrived: Rethy, one of our Triton players. That was about it, for our turn out. It was only good in that Fastbreak didn't have a lot of room for the day, since there was a Magic and Yugioh Tournaments, and a D&D day happening at the same time.

Our Ape Player turned up an hour and a half late, so that left me playing against Rethy. I like playing against Rethy, and we always have fun games. Out of the two games we played, we each went one for one. His Ultra Anglix versus my Mega Cthugrosh. It was a fun game, and we danced the day away tearing up the town over and over again. Each game I was thrown into the danged Crystalline Building, but I can live with that. It was always the first damage my alpha took, and he wouldn't die from it that way. This is where I shake my fist at it.

The second game was rather more impressive, playing amongst Boardwalk Brawl. He has the advantage, by being able to wander the waters with his units uninhibited, but he didn't really take advantage of that. He did however use the Nautilus Blasters very well. These figures, with their long range, Power Gorge Blast Trigger and Armour Piercing Skill make for an awesome piece of work. Their draw back is that they're really slow with a Speed of 3.

This didn't stop him, though. Cthugrosh was in the middle of the field a lot of the time, so he didn't have any trouble getting into range. And keeping hold of a Radar helped as well, giving him an effective threat range of about 10 squares, including movement, from where it starts.

Adding in effect bonuses such as weaken from a Nullifier Pod, or from Ultra Anglix himself, it makes Cthugrosh quite an easy target. Being DEF 5 in his alpha form, the aliens were turning the tables and putting the Hentai on the tentacle monsters. DEF 7 in his Hyper form wasn't helping either. The last turn was entertaining though, having Rethy and I giggling to ourselves quite heartily for a good five minutes as Rethys units took some unlikely pot shots at Cthugrosh.

2 Shots, using a Nautilus Blaster and a friendly Blastard unit. Coupled with High Impact, they both made 2 A-die and 4 B-die attacks against Mega Cthugrosh's Def 6 (after accounting Armour Piercing). Both successfully hit, Leeching two health to Anglix. That made us laugh. Considering the unlikely outcome of the dice hitting, it was hilarious.

Then I ticked over the health counter. “I'm dead, Rethy”. And so another 5 minutes was spent laughing.

So with more day left, and Aaron the Ape Player finally arriving, I let Rethy take on the Brass Monkeys, Mega King Kondo and Gakura, in a two monster brawl. Rethy was low on monsters, however, so Aaron let him borrow the Cyber Khan he had in his box.

It was an interesting match trying to watch Aaron win by almost only using King Kondo. It wasn't going to be likely, and with Kondo having Def 5 on all his forms, he was only going to suffer more damage than he would've liked. And Rethy did it too. Every attack hit home, even on Gakura's Def 6 when he entered the fray, and Rethy came out with a very strong win.

It was great to see Rethy. I'd like to see our other players turn up. The prize kit wasn't distributed to anyone, so I said I'll leave it for the next event In 2 weeks time, as we didn't have enough preregistered for that prize kit either.

If anything else we'll still have a few people turn up for a game or two, but it would be great to see others turn up to the later events! They're listed to the side of this page, so be sure to schedule it for your future!


  1. So you know how we were joking that I'd be afraid to drive home because my luck was SURELY about to run out?

    Yeah... I haven't been able to find my keys since I got home on Sunday. RAAARRGRGHHHH!!

  2. HAHAHA Oh dear. At least the Karma isn't life threatening.

  3. oh balls...

    So we were moving on Saturday and I thought "hell yes I'll get all this awful moving done and then do some highly non-physical nerdery on Sunday. Weekend SOLVED"

    Moving took a really long time. I hate you moving. I really do.

    Sorry to pike out AGAIN :/ Next time I see you I'll grab your number so I can totally not stalk you and have a more efficient way of communicating than this.

    On the plus side, so far the move has only killed one fish. I'm kind of dreading tomorrow morning, but after that any survivors should be in the clear!

  4. haha hope you're having fun still, Rethy. S'all good, we had 4 people turn up again.
