02 March 2010

Subterran Uprising Rising Oppression


Now, I may be a little late for this. No doubt that I am, this was posted a couple of days ago and other site would already have their fanatical write ups done as well. But this lot has got me a little excited.

Keeping with Tradition, the two new monsters strut their stuff with nigh-incomprehensible names. So I'm going to go with names that suit the two of them. For our new friend Hammerlak-Korssivik, I'm going to stick with the nickname they gave him: Clamps. Anyone who has seen enough Futurama will be able to appreciate it.

The short write up gives a brief overview of his abilities and, as anyone would guess from the concept art, he has Burrow. I imagine he's a gigantic worm underneath all that Biometal so things like Sprint and Sidestep would make sense for his ultra form. He's a wriggly little bugger and I hope he has a high enough defence to really take advantage of Sidestep. The only confusing part would be Super Stomp on his Alpha form, but that's only because I take the title too literally. You kinda need feet to stomp, so I imagine he spins about on the spot and hits everything. It's better than Slugbutt who can't spin around very easy, let alone jump on the spot.

Sidestep: If this figure is missed, you can move it 1 space in any direction, including diagonally.
Sprint: Advance this Figure up to 3 spaces, even if it has advanced this turn.
Super Stomp: if this mosnter makes a Stomp Power Attack, gain +1 P-Die for every building destroyed and every enemy unit crushed.

Then there's our second new best friend: Blastik-Rukivall. I have no idea what to call him, and I don't want to say much more on the drill coming out of his crotch plate. He does have 2 heads, however, so I'm thinking something about giving him a thought process. Self-debater? Wait, that might not be appropriate.

I'll sort his nickname out later. We'll just call him the Super-Blastard for now. This Gears of War wannabe, running around with a heavy gun and a chainsaw, Tears through town with his Blitz ability shooting two buildings at once. This is great although not as nifty as the 7pm Nun-chuck Express, Garuka. Garuka has the advantage of netting more power die out of hitting two buildings, AND if he hits the right buildings he can regain health. The Super-Blastard won't net the same Power Die, however will disrupt more things than his other Happy Cave Friends.

His Ultra form does a Gakura as well with the Demolish ability on his blast attack (Or so I assume). With the high defence monsters floating about, they begin having a hard time trying to hide from him while in the midst of buildings only to take solace in that “There can't be too many buildings in the end for him to damage me with!” I'm not sure whether he still has Blitz or not, but if he did that might be a little too crazy. It'll certainly get the job done quicker.

Blitz: After the attack, this figure may advance up to two spaces and make another attack of the same type against a different figure.
Demolish: Target 1 Enemy figure adjacent to target building hit suffer a damage point.

To join the Super-Blastard on his reign of destruction are the new Blastard unit, the Grinder Tank which makes use of the Marker ability, nifty for all those Blast attacks that you really want to hit but haven't hit because of unfortunate dice rolls. Also with it's Defence of 4, it gives good reason to stand back and fire away while securing buildings. The only problem will probably be their speed and probably their range, which won't be particularly long or fast.

Marker: If an attack misses, re-roll the attack.

And lastly is the Oppressor, a funny looking little figure that apparently is another brawler with Burrow and can abduct figures. Judging from the concept art, I imagine him to be likened to a woodchipper. Which is really sad for the Terrasaurs if you think on it too long. Those poor Carnidons.

But that's all we have for series 5 in regards to fiends to date. I may go back and look at the new buildings... Maybe a post about the Voltron Gear coming... But first I should finish off that other blog about mixing units!

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