05 July 2009

Colder than a Witches Tit

At 7am, a person would be heading off to work, or already on their way, depending on circumstances.
I'm usually on my way there.
It's a pretty straight forward series of events.
I walk to the station
I take the train to Bowen Hills
I take another train to Windsor
I walk down to the office.
Same deal happens on the way home.
The only big changes I expect are Rain or general heat, such as today which is really quite cold. At the moment, it's 9°C. This is an hour after I left for work, so it most likely would be a few degrees cooler at that time.
But this begs a question that developed this morning:
What possesses an old man to leave his house Naked to get something from the back seat of his car?!
I had a nice dream in my head until I saw that.


  1. Wel,l why didn't you walk over and ask him?

  2. I felt too clothed to approach him.

  3. Not much of an excuse. Your state of clothedness, or otherwise, is under your own control. You could have met him at his own level, had you wished to do so.

  4. What if I offended him with my attire? I won't take my clothes off just to talk to him, i'm sick enough as is!
    But what would he do if I did approach him clothed? Would he grab a crowbar and go skitz on me? Coz naked people can go really crazy when they hold a crowbar...
