16 July 2009

I'm such a good friend

The other day, I was gaily browsing my regular haunts, webcomics and forums, and I came to check my Deviantart Account.
I didn't really expect anything interesting. I usually only get some cool photos from people I'm following, and a few journal entries that I didn't really expect to be very interesting.

That day, I was wrong.

So I've ordered up a copy of all four prints.
"Feel the Hate" is going to Aaron, since the Butcher of Khardov is his favoured Character.
"The Beast and her Pet" is going to Scott, because he plays Legion and although he doesn't like Vayl, he will have to put up with it as an Early Birthday Present.
"Coup De Grace"... I'm not sure where it'll go. I may just give it to Sam for her birthday since she loves Elves.
"Crack the Whip" is going to be mine. I like Amon Ad Raza, even though I don't play the Protectorate.

Others will have to wait until he releases more, though. If I'm lucky, Chris will eventually release the Asphyxious one and I can get that for Richard for Xmas or something. Heck, I'll give this to Chase if it comes available.


  1. I reckon Spenny need the Butcher print as the bloody cherry atop his man-cave plans.

  2. I heard about that.
    It sounds appropriate.

    Only he needs more pink and blue.

    Maybe one day we can con Chris walton to paint up a Heartkids butcher one day, or whatever caster Spenny decides to use at the time, to represent.
