26 July 2010


Like a Parody of a James Bond Film, we new have a Robot covered in Gold. Granted he's not as sexy as Jill Masterson, but that really depends on your perspective. Now that we're done fantasising, lets get to the topic: Mega Voltron.

As with Lo-tron, Voltron was a robot of many forms of Super Damage. He had Weapon Master on his Brawl and Super Smash, a potentially extremely dangerous attack with the only penalty of the prerequisites for Smash. In the year of playing Monsterpocalypse, there hasn't been many times I've seen a figure get Smashed. To boot, when Voltron made a Power Attack, he shifts a unit into a new position.

Mega Voltron tones down a little, as he doesn't have a definite form of Super Damage but he has more options for Super Damage. To start, we have his brawl attack. Rather than Weapon Master, a flat Super damage, he has Lightning Attack.
Lightning Attack: Once each turn, this monster can roll a second attack of the same type with dice in play against the same target monster.
So two attacks in quick succession against the target, using his Brawl Attack of 7*3. This has been known to get rather dangerous. Slugbutt (AKA: Grindix-Birvikaan) has Lightning Attack along with Synchronised Move. With the Red ability "Overload" from the Lords of Cthul Corruptor, he could get two attacks with Super Damage on the target.
Note: I will have to check up on this because I believe there is something somewhere about Super Damage only being applied to an attack once.
I'm not sure what Red abilities Guard and the Elemental Protectors have but with a little planning ahead they could pull off some really powerful combos, just like other factions. I'll have to consult Scott about it. He might even have some tips about Flak!

Ow! Stop it Scott.

His other form of Super Damage is exactly where one would expect: The Power attacks. His previous Incarnation was limited to Super damage on his Smash Attacks, quite difficult to pull off in our gaming group here in Brisbane. Mega Voltron however is much more... generous to his Power Attacks.
Crunch: If this monster’s attack rolled 1 or more super strikes, it does super damage.
Any Power Attack, performed with his 7*4 stat, has the potential to deal super damage. Smash, Body Slam, Throw... even the very unappreciated Headbutt. So long as there's a Super Strike rolled. Now rolling his maximum action dice of 7, adding his 4 boost die and the minimum of 1 Power die, he rolls 12 dice with a reasonable chance of rolling 1 Super Strike.

But lastly there's his third trigger. Rather than go with the traditional Power or Brawl Attack, Mega Voltron has done something similar to Mega Lo-tron has and added something to his Blast Attack. Raising his Blast stat to 8*3, while still at short range, gives some thought to the ability of his Lion Head Attack.
Multi-Shot: Choose up to 2 other enemy units in the blast attack range of this figure. Those with a DEF equal to or less than the number of strikes rolled take 1 damage.
Now I've known Multi-Shot to be an annoying ability as it allows the attacker to disrupt more than just the target. With Mega Voltron's Short range, it won't exactly bring empires to ruin, however it will do enough damage to someone's power base to make them think twice before moving there and potentially suffering a hit.

But that's Mega Voltron for you, an all round gold guy with a jack in all trades.

Friday: Alternating Universes!

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