15 June 2010


Alright Lads and Lassies. I'm on Hiatus. After some words poorly chosen just recently that were torn down by what little sense I have left, I've decided to go on Hiatus from the world of Blogeranians. I'll still read the handful that I follow, but I won't be posting anything up for a little while until I get my head wrapped around where the fuck my good words have gone.

Worst case, I won't post anything until I go to the US, which is 5-6 weeks away. I start posting from the plane what the hip-haps are as I touch down and drive into whatever locale I end up in on the first night. I'll see if there's an open connection and Bam. First post for USA.

Must find an Adaptor bit for the laptop cord, first. One thing I found interesting about the Netbook I grabbed last Thurs was the power cord didn't have a set Region port for it. You could change the male parts to suit what country you're in. Pretty sweet, I reckon.

So that's the only thing that'll be stopping me from Bloginating during my 3 weeks in Indy/K-Zoo. Until then, I may work on my writing. I mentioned monday that I picked up two books that talk about method of writing. And while sometimes Skinning a Cat comes down to intuition, I haven't been able to write anything more than the funny overviews on my Monpoc Blog. Jenny gets a good laugh, and the few other followers admit to giggling to themselves as well. But it's not a story.

I'm thinking of returning to my Claine story. I enjoyed the story I had so far. A group of "Assassin Hunters" in a "It was almost an apocalypse" future. It was...
Okay, Dee just took me on a Macca's run. Oh sweet and disgusting quarter pounder with medium chips and a hot chocolate sundae.
Where was I. Ah, the Claine story. It was inspired by a piece a semi-webcomic artist did - linky. He's a simple minded sort of guy who doesn't get messed up with the semantics on what he uses. He's a "Point and Pull the Trigger" kind of guy, who does some risky adrenaline work.
Okay, so I'm distracted again. I'm watching 30 Rock and I'm loving it. It's been recommended by everyone and their mothers. I swear, if I put up an address for people to send me postcards and say "Tell me why I would like 30 Rock", I'd have to bind them into a booklet and send them to Tina Fey with a little love note from Jenny saying "I only date guys who drink Snapple".
So Claine is an idea. Sci-fi, post "not quite as apocalyptic as a night spent in a house with nerds" future, with my own play on character.

BUT FIRST! Must finish reading the book about writing.

Oh and sleep. It's late and my beauty is fading.


  1. Hahaha you're so adorable.

    Heyyy there do you drink Snapple?

  2. Take care, comrade. Words come and go. Friends one has to look after.

  3. The problem is when words are tattooed into the minds of friends. While I didn't want that to happen, the damage has been done and I have only myself to blame.

  4. Anonymous26 June, 2010

    I honestly don't understand your angst. I can offer no advice (not that you welcome any advice) other than to assure you that whatever is bothering you will bother you a whole lot less one day.

    Let me know if you pass through California. It will be my pleasure to buy you a beer.
