24 June 2010

My milkshakes bring all the Spawn to the yard

Welcome to Part 2 of the Mecha/Cthugrosh debate, where we delve into the discussion of "Is Newer Better?" and our particular victims of argument are the Lords of Cthul and Ubercorp International, and their Fluorescent Monsterpieces.Now if there is one thing I've learnt, it's that only a 10,000 year old Demon lord slumming in the depths of the ocean, or a Pimp, can get away with wearing a Pink Suit and get away with it. And when you're both, you make that suit full-body-spandex and leave a bit for eyes.

The downside to being a 10,000 year old Demon is that the saying "Old Dogs can't learn new tricks" is actually rather apt. Sadly, the old Gerry can get a bit Senile as well and he forgets things along the way. Sacrifice, Telekinesis, Power Gorge (Brawl) and Fling (Blast) all remain the same, but Summon is completely missing.

Where did Summon go? What did get get in place of Summon? How will I get get a Meat Slave placed in front of me to prevent Power Attacks?

Well I don't know. He just stopped procreating for no reason. Oh, that's what the problem is: Menopause.

Now that I've gotten myself into trouble, we'll see what else has changed and what he has gained. Which applies to his last two abilities.
Jump: You really want me to type this out?
Terrify: Enemy units cannot advance adjacent to this figure. (Not an exact quote)
So Jump is a step down from Flight. Figures with flight can't be targeted by Brawl attacks unless they have Flight, Jump or Reach. As a penalty, figures with 'Anti-Air' have a bonus to hit against them. Jump however is exactly the same as flight but can be targeted with any kind of Brawl Attack but nobody has a bonus to hit. So Cthugrosh can still run about willy nilly ignoring figures so he can pimp slap from wherever he wants. The downside? A Carnidon can try and hit him.

But wait, what was that? He has Terrify? Meaning units, such as the Carnidon, can't advance to Brawl him? HA! No peon can go up to Cthugrosh and ask the going rate. He only deals with big clients who know no price.

And a good client is one that can understand, see from a business mans point of view, though has a different point of view because not everyone is the same.

Mechathugrosh understands Cthugrosh on his own level. But the question remaining is whether a new Generation of Neon Orange Coats can beat the Old Dogs in their Pink Suits.

The Men in White Coats, the UCI Scientists of Biological Emulation, thought to keep with their trends and rolled a few abilities over to Ultra Mechathugrosh. Tow, Transport and Motivator all remain as things that can not really be changed. He can always roll out a Mecha Task master whenever he wants, and give them a chance to reach something faster. if not, he pulls them towards him and lets whatever minions are already there deal with it.

The best part of using Tow?
Halt: Enemy units that begin their advancement adjacent to this figure can advance only 1 space.
So any figure that gets Towed adjacent to Mechathugrosh gets thrown into a Weakened Tractor. Ever heard the saying "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer?"

Which leaves the poor Carnidon more impotent than he originally was. That's all nice and dandy. But how about some Smackdown? We'll start on the approach.

Now in the last post with Mechathugrosh, I mentioned that he can Pimp Slap a unit 7 spaces across the field. Particularly, I mentioned that he has to align with a unit to Power Attack Swat. This was Incorrect. You don't need to align with it, it just needs to be adjacent. For that I apologise. Now Ultra Mechathugrosh makes up for it by changing the way he pimp slaps.
Burrow: This figure can move through figures and treats all terrain as open terrain. It is immune to hazards while advancing.
Weapon Master: This monster’s attack does super damage.
So the image in my mind has Mechathugrosh Brawling someone as he jumps out of the ground. And this happy snappy is in a Motivational Poster with the lines:
Did you order a side of...
Ah Internet Pop Culture, how you amuse me.

I think the white coats of UCI are a little... well oblivious on the methods of the conventional pimp. A Conventional Pimp doesn't believe in "If you want the job done right, do it yourself". It's pretty much a level of blasphemy if you're a big time Pimp.

But if you're just starting out, only learning how to move your business around, you have to make an example. Instead of letting your lackeys take on the trash, you have to bring them in and say "What do you say to a man who owns a pig farm?"

Mechathugrosh does have to take matters into his own hand. And with that, his Pimp Slap has to make an impression. And to make an impression, it has to be a massive amount of damage as part of a sudden event. Popping out of the ground and slapping someone as hard as possible is a probably one of the best ways of putting someone in their place.

Now the debate remains of which is better? Well that depends on your perspective.

So each party takes a different style of play. Ultra Cthugrosh is much the same as his alpha, where he heals and throws everyone about from a distance. His Blast attack thriving at an effective 10 space range gives him little protection as he sits back amongst his units that he sacrifices to heal himself.

The downside? He has an average health of 5. The lowest and most common health there is in the game. With the commonality of Buildings with Hazards dealing extra damage, having the Sacrifice action isn't exactly going to save him from Power Attack Throws. His Defence 7 will make it difficult, but his survival still stands at 2 turns including a Ritual Sacrifice, three if a meat slave is used in between. If the scenario has no hazards you can take damage from as you collide with it, then he can last for about 4 turns, more with Meat Slaves.

Ultra Mechathugrosh is not the same. Their stats are exactly the same except Mechathugrosh's defence of 6, and his regeneration is nothing in comparison. Which is where he makes up for it in Super Damage.

So which is better? Full-Bodied Pink Spandex? or Neon Orange?

Next Friday: A Carnidon Walks into a Bar...

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