27 June 2010

Year of the Cancerous Puddy Tat

It began with waking up at 8 or 9 in the morning so I could chat with my Jenny. We talked about lots of things, like how she was surprised at how Australia's new Prime Minister (AKA: The Ranga Overlord) didn't make any news over in the US, Whereas Obama gets 2 page spreads in our local rag most days; how different Australia's houses are as I took her on a tour with my new laptop; and having our usual loving conversation while I woke and geared up for my day.

Humphs friends and I received a gift last Thursday. He had just finished a tour through Europe with his wife, taking lots of photos of anything and everything for people back home. I sat through some of it, particularly the tour through the Vatican where I was as blasphemous as possible (Me: “Look at em! They all have small willies! Oh Look, she's got like 50 tits!” Humph: “That's the deity of Fertility. And they're not boobs, they're bull testicles” Me: “Jeez, if you ever call your wife a ball breaker, just remember her!”).

The gift of blasphemy at some remarkably beautiful and amazing artwork wasn't quite intended. No, his actual gift was a nice little bottle of rum from Austria. Now we were all interested as this was something new to whet the whistle on and being a drink that was only made available outside of Austria within the past year or two, we were very interested and we had a good laugh at the content: 160 Proof. Yes, 80% alcohol. Kel mentioned that it was stronger than the disinfectant that the used at work. I was slightly afraid the hairs on my chest would go grey and fall off after I sniffed the bottle.

The Taste of Austria

I shared some on Friday night with Dee and Mel as a birthday drink because Dee was going away for the weekend and she's as good a guinea pig as anyone else. We mixed it with Coke as we would a regular rum, and it was absolutely delicious. We slowly drank it (Well I sculled it, I was on my way out the door to D&D) and enjoyed every part of it. I polished off the bottle the next morning as I chatted with Jenny, and it was still delicious.

So I geared up for my day. I got on my jeans, my Sonic and Knuckles shirt, and my Sonic and Tails Hoodie and headed to the Mana bar. It was closing in on 2pm, I had a shave and a shower, and I was actually rather tired and had a short nap that I really didn't want to climb out of, but I stirred myself out of that and trundled down to the train station.

Playing Raskulls with Scotty and Jarryd

Throughout the day people trickled through the Manabar that day, playing a game or two with me and before having to head for various reasons. It was great, though. Some of my friends I haven't seen in ages, like Erin and Jarryd, Ryan, and Sam from the Gold Coast, and some that I see regularly, like Scotty, Greg, Danika, Jarryd and Jo, Doc (Not Yobbo), and Greg.

(Me, Sam, Random)

Many different games were had, probably the most successful was Super Smash Bros Brawl (Guess who I played?) and possibly Halo. Halo was very fun because we were all green except for player 1, who was “The Pink Terror”. Yes, a Bright Pink Spartan versus three Camo Green Spartans. The funniest part was grabbing the Spartan Laser and getting it off more times than should normally occur in a killing spree. I still lost but it was good fun, even though Jo did kill me (Seriously, she got two kills in the entire match and they were probably both me). I had fun with Ryan playing Arcade Altered Beast. I think that's the only time I've ever finished that game. Ever. Last I remember, I had trouble getting through the second stage playing it on my Mega Drive. Oh and you should've seen me on Guitar Hero. I was going Spastic on the drums!

Told you I was going Spastic!
(Jo, Me, Danika, Ryan/Autrach)

Thanks everyone for coming, and I can't wait for next year. I probably won't do Mana Bar for my Bday again (don't want to be a Repetitive Ronald) but I hope just as many people turn up next year, and thanks to everyone who offered me well wishes Via Facebook and text. I do apologised if I haven't gotten around to you.

The Sunday morning, I began my morning at about 11ish (As one does on a Sunday) and immediately began texting Jenny and loaded up Skype to chat with her. She was excited for my birthday and had already sent me a physical present of whoever knows what, and on Sunday made several different attempts at sending me a very adorable Mix Tape. Well, MP3 Mix. 25 songs with their own reasons and thoughts attached. I'll probably load it up tonight to listen again.

For the rest of Sunday after talking with Jenny, I spent it watching 30 Rock and lazing in bed. Oh, and washing my clothes. I thought that was a good idea.


  1. I swear Alex knows when I want to go out on a particular day and then keeps me up all night by being sick and/or difficult (or both). Sorry I missed it. Just too tired from rescuing an 18mth old from under the bed at 2am (don't ask).

  2. I think that's one of those stories for sharing around a campfire of parents. All good Kel :)

  3. I Love you. I'm glad you had a fun birthday! :D
