28 March 2011

Last weekend of March

Bloody Busy Weekends are usually a bit of a hassle, but this one was okay for the better part. Friday night was out with Kel, playing Deathwatch until late with the lads.

Saturday day was a pretty fun day. Kel had the place to himself so he organised a day of gaming in the Man Cave. That was a great day except for the headache I accumulated near the afternoon. I have NO idea where it came from, though David suggested it may be the fluorescent lights. Not unreasonable, but surprising since I've never been affected by them before today.

Anyway, the better part of the day was involved in playing Warma-Hordes. I brought as much as I possibly could into my gaming case and it began with a game with Scotty. It ran as I expected as I was using my Man-o-war versus his Warbeast heavy legion, which meant I got surgically struck through the guts and lost.

It makes me wonder the viability of a Man-o-war army in this level of the game, though. It's something I'm going to have to discuss with myself on http://Warmathingy.blogspot.com.

Second game was much more successful against Disco and showed that certain models shouldn't be ignored. Particularly Great Bears, and their pick-a-nick backet thieving skills. It was a 75pt, 2 warcaster game, a level of game I haven't had the pleasure of playing before.

On top of that, he had a bunch of Elves. And the one thing I like about playing against Disco is that he has very very pretty armies. He used to play Pirates which looked absolutely awesome. And now he has Retribution of Scyrah, which are very pretty Elves. Even though I hate Elves, I will still admit that Disco's are Pretty.

Sadly, while they're pretty, they aren't very favourable to poor Disco. He ended up losing, and worst of all, after failing to kill Sorscha wh o was open to all suggestions of being Murdered. Standing on top of a hill, right in front of the opposing army. Granted, half the army were frozen which was convenient since one of the frozen units would've stuck her full of magic bolts, but there were still warjacks and unfrozen units that tried to lay into her, and would've succeeded in killing her... if only they hit.

Not only was Sorscha's defence stat against him (Def 16, Windrush +2 and Hill +2), but so were his rolls. I believe about 2 hits were made out of about 8 and they weren't the most fantastic damage either.

In turn, I stole Rahn's pick-a-nick basket, and Ravyn not only got knocked on her ass by a cold spell but copped a destroyer cannon to the head.

At least Disco was pretty while it happened. And he used his awesome laser line pointer (Laser Liner?) for a charge lane. I love seeing that thing.

The last game was against David, a somewhat new fellow to the fray of Warmachine, and freshly introduced to our mob (Except for Disco, they've already met). So we sat down for a game. I knocked off a few units and jacks to get down to 50 points and we sat down for some Khador vs Skorne Action.

I ended up losing, but it was a hard loss. My only regret was using the Great Bears defensively instead of using them to take out Molik Karn. That would've changed the end game a little. I think.

In the end, I lost, but I'm still happy it was a hard fought loss. I even had him sweating for a turn or two there as well after doing a rather devastating turn against him and then almost refusing to die when I was supposed to. I love Kommandant Irusk's Feat. 50% chance to not die? Game on.

But yeah, the Molik Train went “Choo Choo!” and thusly carved up seven shaves of prime Gurvaldt Irusk.

Good game though. I've got to get back into the use if Ironfang Pikemen and Great Bears. Just because they're wrong.

On another note, the Bombardiers have done a wonderful job, but I need to get them up front more to get more into range of their cannons or into charge range. I love these guys in Melee. I've had a good history of critical hits (more than the average bear) and getting extra attacks means more criticals, which means more killy.

Gotta love giant chainsaws.

Sadly, it was around this game that my headache came around. Don't know what it was but it was getting ridiculously painful and putting me off my game. David noticed it and asked if I wanted a short rest before we continued on which I greatly appreciated.

Eventually, it was game over and I went upstairs for a rest. Kel eventually found me since I'd disappeared without warning, and by that time my headache was all but gone. Now all I had to worry about was my knees which had been complaining since early in the day.

The rest of the night, I watched Scott, Dick and kel play Firestorm Armada on his fancy new Space Map. They played what was thought to be a simple game to get a grip on the rules and they played from around the time David and I started until about 11pm, shooting the shit out of each other. I'll leave the further details to Kel.\

Sadly, we didn't get around to playing Dystopian Wars as was planned, but we'll get around to it sooner than later.

Sunday was (finally) to go see Rango with Mum. It was alright. It's a classic western with an Athropomorphic Animal feature, and a handful of jokes, but nothing so funny that it was laugh out loud funny. That's pretty much my opinion in a nutshell.

After that, we had a wander around, got some groceries, went back to mums for a bit so I could watch some Inglorious Bastards, which I found was curious but I just couldn't keep attention on it so I just gave up and mum dropped me home.

At home, I played Dawn of War II – Retribution some more. I like Orks and happily there's an Ork Single Player Campaign in Retribution, along with almost every other race in the game. So playing Orks was a laugh and a half. Bad accents from a guy called Bluddflag, who has a nice Pirate Hat on; a Mek Boy called Mr Nailbrain; a Kommando Nob called Spookums; and a Storm Nob called Brikkfist. Every time I say the name “Brikkfist” aloud, I keep thinking I'm saying Breakfast.

Mr Nailbrain I find is the funniest and its because of the effect of one of his abilities, which causes him to explode every time he uses an ability. So when he goes to teleport, he explodes where he lands. Whenever he uses his Earthquake ability, he also explodes. Whenever he goes to repair a vehicle, he explodes. If he makes a sandwich, he explodes. Whenever he discharges his static electricity to make an explosion around him, he explodes.

This doesn't deal damage to him or friends, but it's still hilarious seeing him just constantly explode.

That was pretty much my weekend. I had more to say, but I got distracted.

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